We have a new store report from the UK! JTA reader Stewart G. alerts us to the news that the PZ-4CO/Guavian Enforcer basic figure wave has hit. He also provides photos of the Battle Action Millennium Falcon has hit store shelves too! Click through for his report!

Hi Paul,
More TFA stock seems to be turning up in the UK. This was in Smyth's Toys at the weekend in North London. First time I've seen the TFA Falcon at retail. They are carrying the Guavian Enforcer/General Hux wave (which is what I'd heard and why I made the trip). To my surprise they had Rey/BB-8 and Finn TBS6 - one of each. I had not seen these on the pegs in the UK (only Chewie). Grabbed Rey TBS and the Guavian Enforcer, which was what I could manage that day.
Went from there to buy groceries in Tesco and stumbled upon Kylo Ren armour up, which I'd been after, so I ended up with him also. I was only supposed to be popping out to the supermarket... damn.
I hadn't been in this toy superstore before and was pleasantly surprised although my failing budgeting might not agree. I will be back. Smyth's is looking like a good bet for us folks in the UK.