It's time for another edtion Action Figures In Action for all of our action figure lovers out there! Click through to check out November's edition of spectacular photos featuring action figures... in action! Don't forget to leave your comments and thoughts on these in our comments section! Make sure to posts requests for future Action Figures In Action photos! As always, stop by Calum's Instagram page to see more of his work (but you will only find it in high resolution right here at JTA).

Issue #8 – November 2014
Do yourself a favor and follow Calum on Instagram or Facebook to see all of his Action Figures In Action! He has even opened up a storefront to produce prints of some of his most popular images. You can check out what he has to offer right here!
Past Issues:

Jedi Temple Archives and Calum Jones ask that you please not use, crop, or alter these images in any way. For full image permissions please check our Image Use Policy. All work is property of Calum Jones. If you have questions about their use please contact Calum directly. If you want to link to these images please link directly to either this article or the gallery page image.