Making The Black Series Mara Jade Look Almost Perfect
Date: June 26, 2014 at 06:01 PM ET
Topic: Customs Corner

Last but not least, Travis makes The Black Series Mara Jade a pretty sweet-looking figure. Find out what he did!

Then there's Mara. Like many others, I found that the head of a Marvel Black Widow figure makes an excellent substitute for glam-rock Mara--and requires no retooling at all to fit onto the Black Series Mara figure. I simply retouched her hair to look more natural instead of the dark, brick-reddish color it came as. The cloak is just from an extra LC Major Panno and the goggles are from another GI Joe figure (Rise of Cobra Desert Viper).

Sorry the picture quality isn't the greatest on these photos, but I just wanted to share some stuff with you. Thanks for all your hard work and good humor in your posts and RDR's. I routinely laugh out loud at some of your thoughts, critiques, and observations about our shared hobby. All the best!


This article comes from Jedi Temple Archives

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