Welcome to our next Q and A of the Day post! This column will be published daily, weekly, monthly, or just based on how many questions I get emailed – but no more than one a day. Feel free to send in your questions and I will put them in the queue. Click through for Q and A of the Day: Day 32.

Q: Dear JTA - I have recently found Jabba's Dancers from The Power Of The Force collection for €20 (around $25 ?) and went to read your RDR on the item to see there wasn't one. As a result I have a two part question. A). I know you are currently reviewing the 2002 saga collection and I was wondering is your goal to eventually have all the past figures reviewed in the RDR ? Will figures as far back as The Power Of The Force get RDRs? B). Are the dancers worth the buy ? Is that a good price for them ? Are there better versions of the characters which have since been made ? Thanks. (Tony G.)
A: Hi Tony. Thank you for your question and for supporting our RDRs. It "is" my goal to complete all of the modern Hasbro lines in the RDRs AS WELL AS the original vintage Kenner line. As you can probably tell, I am attacking this in a reverse order. I did this because I find that the further back I go, the less and less interest there is in general for the older figures. I wanted to get the most recent collections completed (which I have successfully completed for the most part) and these collections still get more hits than the new RDRs I am doing today. I don't want to cause false alarm, but I have toyed with the idea of retiring the RDRs on November 13, 2014. Why that date? That is when we reach 2000 RDRs in our database. I am running out of steam honestly, and don't want to end it on a random number. I would like to incorporate more and more people in this column, as my opinion isn't the only one out there, but it's hard to get commitment from them, or whoever they may be. We'll see what happens. Again, anything can change, but that is a loose goal.
To answer your second question, Jabba's Dancers are good figures as long as you have no other expectations than to use them as diorama fodder and not pose them. They are pretty much well-decorated, but they're also pre-posed and will really only give you one or two unique looks. While no updated sculpts of these characters are available, if you're really interested in these figures, I would suggest getting them in The Max Rebo Band (Jabba's Palace Entertainers) from the 30 (77-07) line which was a USA Walmart Exclusive. It is sort of rare, but it is cheaper than the other set [Jabba's Palace Musicians]. The reason why is that these figures are repainted and look much better than their POTF2 counterparts. (A "battle" I won while working on the Steve Sansweet Ultimate Action Figure Collection book.)