Posted by Paul | November 14, 2010 at 07:00 PM ET
We have our final (?) round of Q&A With JTA ready for you! This may indeed be our swan song for the column. After 100 questions answered (including those in tonight's column), we are getting great readership which excites us, but we just aren't getting enough questions on a consistent basis to keep this column going strong. While we won't say we're sticking a fork in it completely, we will indeed leave the ball in your court. If we continue to get questions, we will continue to post this column. But for right now, this is our last "Sunday night at 6 PM" column. Thank you to all that have sent in consistent questions, it means the world to us. Click through to access the Q&A database with our final (?) batch of questions!
Hot Topics: Echo Base transport, is my POTF2 collection worth anything?, a vintage-styled Jawa, a new Emperor's Royal Guard and is Hasbro going to keep bringing us different colored clones utilizing the TVC Clone Trooper sculpt?
Sunday Nights at 6:00 PM
featuring Paul Harrison
We always need your questions! Please e-mail them to [email protected]. Thank you!
1. Would you be able to tell which Obi-Wan table (with Leia holo) is which when looking at the Resurgence of the Jedi pack-in and the Build-a-Droid pack-in? I have both and they look pretty much the same, seem to have most of the same markings except these two differences that I can see: one of them has a '2' on the bottom piece of the table (looking from under), the other has a '1' (instead of a '2') and also has additional numbers above the 'Hasbro' marking on the top piece of the table (looking from under). (Niko)
JTA: Actually Niko, you can absolutely tell them apart. Not only are the poses of Princess Leia different, the first version of the table that came with Obi-Wan Kenobi (BD 34) has a dirtier wash than the one that came included with the Resurgence Of The Jedi Battle Packs set (which is noticeably cleaner). Click each thumbnail below to compare images in our Research Droids Reviews. You'll see the differences clearly. We think that the "part numbers" you pointed out can vary from one figure or set to the next, so maybe it's just coincidence that you have differing numbered pieces.
2. I have a question regarding the SW POTF2 action figure line. This line ran from 1995-2000. I started buying these figures in 1997-98. Like most collectors, I bought 2 or 3 of each figure. I would open one and keep the other one in a storage box. That storage box later turned into storage boxes sitting in a storage unit. Right now these figures don't have much of a resale value. Do you think these figures will be worth anything to collectors in the next 10-20 years, or will these figures just be at a stand-still forever? (Jason)
JTA: Jason, without being smug or glib, no, we don't think those figures will ever be worth anything at all. The Power Of The Force era was an interesting one. From 1995-2000, there were more Johnny-come-latelies than any other section of time for collectors. We had to fight off Hot Wheels dealers and McFarlane junkies to get basic figures into their collections and every Joe Schmoe set up a stand at a flea market trying to gouge those desperate collectors who were beat by scalpers at the stores. That time has past and many of those "morally inferior" people (we kid of course - we just didn't like them at all back then) have given up on Star Wars (thank God)! But as a result, Hasbro had skewed numbers on their sales, because people who didn't even care about Star Wars were buying those figures up. If you don't have a need for them, donate them to charity like Toys For Tots or something. But sadly, you won't be able to retire on The Power of The Force line. And you already know how most of these figures just have not aged well at all. Hasbro has revisited so many of the original POTF2 run of characters and better versions of those figures now exist.
3. During the most recent Hasbro Q and A with republic forces radio podcast hasbro mentioned that there will be clone wars figures on vintage cards coming out. This will be the beginning of the end of this line in my opinion. This awesome line is being ruined by repacks/ refreshes (i.e wave 5), and the eventual inclusion of E.U and now clone wars figs. Hasbro talks about how they want to keep this line special and for it to not wear out it's welcome then why are they going to dilute this line with every figure under the sun on vintage cards? (Eric)
JTA: Eric - we agree and disagree with you. We absolutely want to see repacks in the line. I know I personally want to see as many definitive figures get reissued in "vintage" packaging before this collection calls it quits. I couldn't be more excited about Commander Gree and a Utapau clone trooper getting entered into The Vintage Collection. In my opinion, this is the way Star Wars figures should have always come to us. That wish is now a reality and I want to see Hasbro go crazy with it. Putting The Clone Wars figures in the line may be a mistake however. Hasbro has kept them to separate entities for so long so we're not sure sure why they will be blending them in the realistic line (unless they are realistic-styled figures). Be sure to visit and bote in their poll where they are asking what previosuly released figures should make an appearance in The Vintage Collection at some point. Their poll is found HERE. In all honesty, we don't know how any collector wouldn't get excited over 2006's TSC Chief Chirpa and 2001's POTJ FX-7 being released in The Vintage Collection. Buy hey, that's us!
4. Does Hasbro have any intention of making a vintage card styled Jawa? That would be amazing and I've been waiting for this since the first Votc figures back in '04. I don't usually buy multiples but I think I'd buy eight of these! (Carlos)
JTA: We sure hope so! The Jawa has been on rumor lists for literally years now (a "vintage-styled" one specifically). We bet that one is indeed in the works and we hope that Hasbro announces this officially for Toy Fair (and at worst, Comic Con 2011).
5. Is Hasbro doing any new OTC vehicles in the future, or are they hold due to Clone Wars? (Nicholas)
JTA: There is probably nothing left that is aggressive enough for them to make. Of course we're being sarcastic and mimicking them. But Hasbro has 100% of their attention span on The Clone Wars. And even some of the movie-based vehicles make it into this line, like the Homing Spider Droid and the Republic Swamp Speeder for example. Keep uttering your disdain for Hasbro's apparent lack of progress in this area. Our voices will certainly give them pause to bring us something new and exciting.
6. I am building a Hoth Hanger Diorama and am missing a key piece. We have a hanger transport for Yavin, but there is a unique transport for Hoth. Can we ask Hasbro if they will ever make it? (Mike)
JTA: Yes, we are certainly going to ask Hasbro about it. Actually, we are quite surprised that Hasbro hasn't created one yet. With the hugely successful Scramble On Yavin Battle Packs, we thought the transport from Echo Base would have been a shoe-in, especially for some time in the 30th anniversary year of The Empire Strikes Back. Please make your desires known in forums and what-have-you and we will do our part to relay this to Hasbro! It seems like it would even be an easier design to make and they could release a great Battle Packs set with that green R3 unit too!
7. I like mini rigs / small vehicles as much as anyone, but why did Hasbro release the Naboo Skiff mini vehicle (a very scaled down version of a very large ship)? This version doesn't exist in the Clone Wars TV show or the movies. I think for the same price point, they could have made the DC 0052 'Intergalatic' Speeder from the ROTS movie. I think this would have been much better received by the fans and still met the size requirement even if it meant scaling it down a bit. But at least scaling down the DC 0052 by a degree or two would have been better than a mini version of the very large Naboo Skiff. Hopefully, Hasbro can fit this speeder into a future lineup of mini vehicles. (Ben)
JTA: Stuff from Naboo just isn't getting the proper attention they deserve. We completely agree with you that the Naboo Star Skiff should have been made full size. We don't think it was a great candidate for the deluxe line and we hope one day that they decide to make a full-scale version. And your suggestion for the DC 0052 speeder is a fantastic idea. We think we may see that one day too.
8.Since we now have a super articulated ep3 clone trooper for the vintage line will we be seeing more articulated versions of other ep3 troopers? (shunter909)
JTA: You probably already know by now that a new Utapau Clone Trooper is coming utilizing this same sculpt in wave 5 of The Vintage Collection. But if were to be completely honest, we're slightly upset about it. While we love ball-jointed hips, we think the ones included with the Episode III Clone Trooper are not ideal. They really don't add that much more flexibility when posing him (and actually work against attaining a few other desired poses) and we think he looks a little too chunky and short. We don't think Hasbro will be able to make a better clone trooper than the 2005 ROTS III 41 mold. But we also have some weird ideas. We'd much rather see the 2006 TSC Utapau Clone Trooper released in The Vintage Collection than this repaint. (Plus, we think Hasbro has yet to perfect the removable helmets on clones, they just look too distorted to us. It remains to be seen if a new Shock Trooper or 501st Legion Trooper are forthcoming that will be made from this sculpt. But we fear that Hasbro is moving along from the gorgeous 2005 mold. : (
9. Two of my favorite background characters from Return of the Jedi are Tessek and the Emperor's Royal Guard.While both of their most recent sculpts have been pretty good,I still feel they deserve the Vintage Collection-quality treatment.Have you heard any rumors or confirmation about these two for 2011 or maybe even 2012? (vangel34)
JTA: Hasbro has made generic confirmations here and there about quite a few Jabba's Palace aliens, but nothing was specific about Tessek. We may be in the minority here, but although Tessek doesn't have the greatest articulation, we think he would be a great choice for a TVC repack. Don't get us wrong, we would love to see a brand new resculpt, but that POTJ figure was just spectacular. As far as the Emperor's Royal Guard, we bet a new one is right around the corner. With a new blue Senate Guard coming to us all by January 2011, they can use the same sculpt and materials to tweak an all-new ROTJ specific Royal Guard!
10. My question is about how Hasbro picks these mail-away you know if there is any rhyme or reason to it? I recently read that Hasbro ditched plans for a mail-away Ziro the Hutt and I was so disappointed - how can we convince them to release it? (Toby)
JTA: We absolutely missed Hasbro saying they ditched Ziro as a mail-away exclusive. But now that you've told us, we think that is a crying shame. And we probably have reason to be worried now that [spoiler alert] Ziro is dead (or at least appears that way right now). (Yes, we aren't buying that Sy Snootles is some "Tangina-from-Poltergeist" speaking double-agent assassin. Come on Filoni, steer The Clone Wars Titanic back before you sink it!) We wonder if Hasbro will ever give Ziro a chance now. We don't understand what makes Hasbro decide what figure(s) get(s) constituted as a mail-away exclusive. We'd prefer mail-away figures to go away, but that's only because we're lazy. We love just buying figures outright. As far as convincing Ziro, we are going to do our part, but be sure you do yours! Post a petition in a forum somewhere! And e-mail Hasbro directly. Hasbro does read our comments and feedback.
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