When Hasbro revealed the details of the new Fan's Choice Figure Poll at San Diego Comic Con, they announced that
ToyFare Magazine would be playing an integral role in the polling. Well, ToyFare issue #146 hit the stands today, and there's more news to be had on the Fan's Choice Figure Poll front!
First off, ToyFare writer Justin Aclin gives us an update on the status of all of the characters that were in the last Fan's Choice Figure Poll that was conducted by both Hasbro & ToyFare. The results are definitely very surprising! There were 25 candidates in the last poll, and a majority of them have been made. Those include:
#1 - Quinlan Vos - Dark Horse comics
#2 - Darth Revan - Knights Of The Old Republic video game
#3 - Yarna D'al Gargan - Return Of The Jedi
#4 - Darth Malak - Knights Of The Old Republic video game
#5 - Hermi Odle - Return Of The Jedi
#7 - Corran Horn - Star Wars novels - Out now in the WalMart exclusive Droid Factory 2-Packs
#8 - HK-47 - Knights Of The Old Republic video game - Out now as a Droid Factory Build-A-Figure
#9 - Mara Jade (Jedi Outfit) - Star Wars novels ***This one may be debatable based on the outfit***
#10 - Willrow Hood (Ice Cream Maker Guy) - The Empire Strikes Back - Due out in the Fall of 2009
#12 - Darth Nihilus - Knights Of The Old Republic II - The Sith Lords video game
#14 - Kir Kanos - Dark Horse comics
#15 - Kyle Katarn - Dark Forces II video game - In stores now
#16 - Nom Anor - Star Wars Novels - Check out page 65 of ToyFare #146 for a first look at the Nom Anor prototype figure! Due out in a Comic 2-pack in late 2010
#17 - Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) - Return Of The Jedi - Due out in Fall '09
#18 - Clone Commander Neyo - Revenge Of The Sith
#19 - Padme Amidala (Ilum gear) - Star Wars: Clone Wars
#21 - Exar Kun - Dark Horse comics - Due out in a
Tales Of The Jedi comic 2-pack this fall
#22 - Jaina Solo - Star Wars novels - Due out in a basic figure wave in December '09/January '10
#24 - Padme Amidala (black evening dress) - Attack Of The Clones
#25 - Jacen Solo - Star Wars - Due out in a basic figure wave in December '09/January '10novels
So who's left? And what does Hasbro have to say about them? Here's the roster of the unmade with commentary from Hasbro's Derryl DePriest:
#6 - Bastila Shan -
Knights Of The Old Republic video game. "There is a strong possibility that she will be out before the end of 2011".
#11 - Padme Amidala (Funeral) - "Given the somber mood of this one don't expect it any time soon".
#13 - The Tonnika Sisters - Hasbro comments that the sisters are on a list of figures that cannot be produced for unspecified reasons.
#20 - Anakin Solo - Star Wars novels - "Although we've yet to confirm an Anakin Solo figure, it's a solid bet that this EU Jedi will[be in] the line"
#23 - Darth Maul (super poseable) - "Amazingly, there is still a version of Darth Maul that we've yet to update. It's a sure bet to be made in the near future".
Looking through the ranks, Hasbro has made or confirmed 20 out of 25 of the figures from the previous ToyFare/Hasbro Fan's Choice Poll. And of the 5 remaining candidates, three are very likely to be produced in the next few years. As for the Tonnika Sisters? It appears to be a lost cause.
But always be mindful of the present, young Jedi! ToyFare and Hasbro want to know what you want. Hasbro has asked sites that participate in their Q&A process to nominate a series of candidates for the 2009 poll. And ToyFare is taking part in the nominations phase as well. You can vote for a single Hasbro Star Wars Fan Choice Figure candidate through ToyFare
at this link. Once the nomination phase is complete, Hasbro and ToyFare will post a poll that you can vote on at
The ToyFare Website, and a full list of the nominees will be published in ToyFare issue #148, which should be on news stands in October.
But wait, there's more! ToyFare is not only working with Hasbro, but they've also partnered with several other Star Wars licensees to see what the fans want. Collectors now have an opportunity to tell the following licensees which of these characters & themes they want offered in the following lines:
-Luke Skywalker - X-Wing Pilot
-Clone Trooper
-Grand Moff Tarkin
-Luke Skywalker - Hoth
-Boba Fett
-Luke Skywalker - Tatooine
-Lando Calrissian
-Emporer's Royal Guard
-General Grievous
-Han Solo
-Darth Maul
-Classic Trilogy
-Prequel Trilogy
-Expanded Universe
-Clone Wars
-Luke Skywalker - Tatooine
-General Veers
-Kit Fisto
-Bib Fortuna
So ToyFare is presenting not just one, BUT FIVE polls that you can vote on! And you can vote in all of these polls
right here.