Vader's Medical Droid (Chopper Droid) - Hasbro - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
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2009 SDCC: Hasbro Figure Numbering - Complete List!

Posted by Paul | July 25, 2009 at 06:28 AM ET

Jedi Temple Archives is the first to report on the complete figure numbering list from Legacy Collection, Saga Legends, and The Clone Wars! If you saw the action figure poster from Hasbro, it contained a lot of gaps and we didn't know until now what other figures were part of the collection (like all of the repack figures joining the line). Click through to check this amazingly complete list out. Oh, and Commander Bacara is entering the line as a basic figure too, just so you know. Read on!!!

Newly numbered figures as well as reissues have been placed in bold font.

Legacy Collection (Droid Factory)
BD01 Stormtrooper Luke
BD02 Stormtrooper Han
BD03 Space Trooper
BD04 Jawa & WED Treadwell Droid
BD05 Darth Maul

BD06 Young Obi-Wan Kenobi
BD07 Gungan Warrior
BD08 Queen Amidala
BD09 Rum Sleg
BD10 Darth Sidious Hologram
BD11 Clegg Holdfast
BD12 Biker Scout
BD13 Obi-Wan Kenobi
BD14 Anakin Skywalker
BD15 Jango Fett

BD16 Luke Skywalker (Death Star II)
BD17 Princess Leia (Jabba's Slave)
BD18 Paploo & NoAhpak (2-pack)
BD19 Nien Nunb (B-wing Pilot)
BD20 Major Panno
BD21 Klaatu Skiff Guard
BD22 Malakili
BD23 Nikto Skiff Guard
BD24 General Grievous
BD25 Saleucami Trooper
BD26 ARC Trooper
BD27 Clone Scuba Trooper
BD28 Ugnaught (#2)

BD29 R2-D2 with Restraining Bolt (Jawa Capture)
BD30 Han Solo (Removable Stormtrooper Gear)
BD31 Chewbacca (With Headset)
BD32 Imperial Scanning Crew (#1)
BD32 Imperial Scanning Crew (#2)
BD33 Hrchek Kal Fas
BD34 Leesub Sirln
BD35 Padmé Amidala (Droid Factory/Geonosis Arena - Evolutions)
BD36 Boba Fett (Evolutions)
BD37 Clone Commander Deviss

BD38 Ki-Adi-Mundi
BD39 Jawa and Security Droid
BD40 IG-88 (Concept Art)
BD41 Utai
BD42 Jeremoch Colton
BD43 Agen Kolar
BD44 Commander Cody
BD45 Plo Koon
BD46 Stormtrooper (VOTC)
BD47 Commander Bacara

BD48 Snowtrooper (Concept Art)
BD49 AT-AT Driver (NEW Sculpt!)
BD50 Cloud City Wing Guard (Bespin Security) (Utris M’toc)
BD50 Cloud City Wing Guard (Bespin Security) (African descent)
BD51 Luke Skywalker (Snowspeeder Pilot)
BD52 R2-X2
BD53 Willrow Hood
BD54 Zuckuss

Legacy Collection Saga Legends
SL01 R2-D2
SL02 Darth Vader (Anakin)
SL03 Obi-Wan Kenobi
SL04 Clone Trooper (Attack of the Clones)
SL05 Super Battle Droid
SL06 Darth Vader (Hoth)
SL07 Darth Maul
SL08 501st Legion Trooper
SL09 Yoda
SL10 Sandtrooper
SL11 Saesee Tiin
SL12 Clone Trooper (Revenge of the Sith)
SL13 Plo Koon
SL14 Shock Trooper
SL15 Chewbacca (Mynock Hunt)
SL16 Han Solo (Bespin)
SL17 Luke Skywalker (X-Wing)
SL18 C-3PO

The Clone Wars
CW01 General Grievous
CW02 Clone Trooper with Space Gear
CW03 Rocket Battle Droid
CW04 Clone Trooper (41st Elite Corps)
CW05 Kit Fisto

CW06 Mace Windu
CW07 Admiral Yularen
CW08 Jawa (2-pack)
CW09 Commander Gree
CW10 ARF Trooper
CW11 Super Battle Droid Sergeant
CW12 Obi-Wan Kenobi in Space Suit
CW13 4-A7
CW14 Yoda
CW15 Whom Loathsome
CW16 Commando Droid
CW17 Clone Trooper Echo
CW18 Anakin Skywalker
CW19 Obi-Wan Kenobi
CW20 Clone Trooper Denal
CW21 Anakin Skywalker in Space Suit
CW22 Cad Bane
CW23 Ahsoka in Space Suit
CW24 Captain Rex
CW25 R2-D2
CW26 Ahsoka with Rotta
CW27 Count Dooku
CW28 Clone Commander Cody
CW29 Destroyer Droid
CW30 Luminara Unduli
CW31 Captain Argyus
CW32 Clone Commander Thire
CW33 Battle Droid (Green)
CW34 Matchstick
CW35 Padmé Amidala
CW36 Clone Tank Gunner
CW37 Ziro’s Assassin Droid


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