Posted by Paul | July 22, 2009 at 09:25 PM ET
We got the skinny on all of the exclusives coming out! Click through for all of the details to the proprietary product coming to Toys R Us, WAL*MART, and TARGET!!!!
Toys R Us:
Republic Gunship
(Crumb Bomber) - October 1, 2009 - $69.99
The Clone Wars Commemorative Tin Set - August 1, 2009 - $24.99
Commander Ponds - September 5, 2009 - $7.99
McQuarrie Boxed Sets - September 15, 2009 - $44.99
Dewback - November
1, 2009 - $29.99
Droid Factory Series 2 - August 1, 2009 - $15.99
Octuptarra Droid - September 5, 2009 - $29.99
Geonosis Arena 2
Packs - October 1, 2009 - $12.99
Red 2 X-wing With Wedge Antilles - September 6, 2009 - $54.99
The Clone Wars: Ambush at Abrego (Plo Koon & Troopers) - September 6, 2009
- $24.99
The Clone Wars: Assault on Ryloth (Mace & Troopers) - September 6, 2009 - $24.99
Clone Trooper Squad
- September 1, 2009 - $29.99
All dates are rough street dates and are subject to change at any time!
So, you want to know about Funeral Pyre Darth Vader, right? Per a very reliable Hasbro employee, Funeral Pyre Darth Vader has not been pitched to a retailer yet. Hasbro is looking to set this beautiful piece around $30.00, but they want to know what kind of interest collector support will be for it first. They will most likely be polling collector sites, like Jedi Temple Archives, to be gauging this. At best it will be a very late 2010 item, if not a 2011 item. So, start gearing up your support now! We will keep you posted on its progression. And stay tuned, we have a video forthcoming that will be posted on our site as well!
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