Posted by Bryan | May 11, 2009 at 07:08 PM ET
Collectormania 15 lineup expanded!
Besides the already announced names, including Leonard Nimoy of Spock fame, four new guests have been announced. For a complete list, visit our site now.
Katie Purvis signing launched!
Katie is the daughter of Jack Purvis, who was the lead Jawa in ANH. She played the maternal Ewok, holding the cuddly little ball of fur in Return of the Jedi.Katie has agreed to sign for the Bounty Hunter. You can get your own items signed, but if you choose for her to provide the photo, this is what it will look like.
All details of this signing are now online!
Sebastian Dewing image:
I have just been informed that the Official Pix photo on the site is not Sebastian Dewing, but another actor. Hence we have asked Sebastian to provide his own photograph. It will be an in-character photo from the final scene of Episode I in which he accompanies Chancellor Palpatine to Naboo.
Also, I have postponed the signing with a few weeks, to allow for people to get their posters signed at Collectormania 15 as well. So I'll be taking orders for Sebastian until 5th of June, to ship out my parcel to him right after the show.
Ahmed Best shipped!
You may expect your Jar Jar Binks items in the mail, as they have all been shipped. Be on the lookout for them!
Also shipped are the Fedcon items, so be on the lookout for those as well!
Stay tuned! Search Autograph Bounty Hunter
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