Posted by Paul | May 08, 2009 at 12:39 PM ET posted a magnificent article on the Mexican Lily Ledy 12" figures made during the vintage era. They go into great detail and you may just learn a thing or two that you didn't previously know about them in this very well-written article. Check it out here! Or click through to read the major points of the article.
The set of seven Lili Ledy 12-inch dolls from Mexico is regarded by many as the most famous, or infamous, group of Star Wars collectibles ever to emerge from south of the border, a distinction earned by both their rarity and their unique design. Specifically, there are three reasons collectors avidly seek out this set:
Collectors have managed to piece together some rough ideas about their manufacture and distribution, although facts are difficult to confirm since hard evidence has remained exceedingly elusive. There was a warehouse stash of these figures found in 1996, according to several websites, which contained small numbers of each figure still in the original packaging. Before the find, many fans thought the loose examples they encountered were mere bootlegs of the US Kenner 12-inch line. One more fact that seems indisputable is that the Tusken Raider figure is the most sought-after of the bunch, by simple virtue of his having no counterpart in the US Kenner series.
With so much mystery surrounding these figures, we can only offer up a few alleged facts compiled by some of the more advanced collectors in the hobby:
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