Posted by Paul | May 25, 2017 at 11:38 AM ET
I have something to say about the 40th anniversary of Star Wars. (more....)
Star Wars movies and Star Wars toys. GI Joe toys. You Can’t Do That On Television. Turkey Television. The Incredible Hulk. Gilligan’s Island reruns. Tom & Jerry reruns. Wonder Woman. Charlie’s Angels. Facts Of Life. Diff’rent Strokes. Rubik’s Cube. Raiders Of The Lost Ark. Alien. Aliens. The Terminator. Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The Neverending Story. Cloak & Dagger. The Last Starfighter. Cyndi Lauper. Madonna. Mix Tapes. Saturday morning cartoons. Billie Jean. Michael Jackson. Livin’ On A Prayer. Garbage Pail Kids. Super Mario Bros. Stryper. Cabbage Patch Kids hysteria. E.T. Transformers. Gremlins. Pee-wee’s Playhouse. Pee-wee’s Big Adventure. Paul Reubens arrest. Pac-Man. Ms. Pac-Man. Pitfall. Atari. Colecovision. Land Of The Lost, The Bugaloos, Sigmund And The Sea Monsters, The Golden Girls. Trapper Keepers. Donkey Kong. Care Bears. Smurfs. The Littles. Muppert Babies. Back To The Future. ALF. Labyrinth. The Dark Crystal. Return To Oz. We Are The World. Acid-washed jeans. VCRs. Duran Duran. Footloose. 3-2-1 Contact. Double Dare. S’mores Crunch. Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Troll & Scholastic book order forms. Book Mobiles. Pizza Hut’s Book It! program. Speak & Spell. Reese’s Pieces. Bob Ross. Highlights For Children. Goofus & Gallant. Eraser collections. Space Tape collections. Weepuls collections. But the greatest of these is of course Star Wars movies and Star Wars toys.
I am so thankful and proud to be old. If I weren’t, I would have missed the best time to grow up and all of the things listed above. It truly was the premiere time to be an adolescent. The movies were the best. Family time was the best. And we could be out playing all day far away from home (hiking far, like that seen in "Stand By Me far" for example, without an Amber Alert going out. (Heck, who would have even heard an Amber Alert back then as there were no cell phones). We saw the coolest technology become antiquated. But even as technology moved forward, the symbols of the time that defined this era are still fondly held and cemented in our hearts.
Toy stores were one of the highlights of our rearing. And there were a ton of stores that existed. Going to them was a reward for a great (not good) report card and sometimes for exemplary behavior. And gifts from these places were few and far between; mostly just on birthdays and Christmastime. It wasn’t a daily occurrence for parents to buy us something. But when they did those Star Wars action figures were probably the most important material possessions we received.
It goes without saying that the passion for collecting stems from our love of the films. And I can’t thank the creators of the original Star Wars Trilogy for their roles in making Star Wars such an intense passion of mine as well as for so many others. There will never be another Star Wars film like those that make up the Original Trilogy. It’s impossible. Lucas’ lack of technology at the time may have frustrated him, but it is what helped him think incredibly outside of the box to make things look stunningly realistic and incomparable to what is done today with CGI and other technological advances. (CGI aliens instead of rubber masks? Puh-lease!)
It was just the will of the Force that I was born early enough to be raised at a time when Star Wars was in its peak of original excitement. And it clearly was the time I was meant to be born because so much of the pop culture of the time was the best. And I often wish it was still here. Even day trips for entertainment were better, like going to haunted houses and Six Flags theme parks.
Star Wars has changed our lives forever. It binds us as a community. And it forever permeates our minds as one of the greatest sagas of our lifetime. I am so thankful to the original Lucasfilm Ltd. company and Kenner who together created the best toy line of all time. They really should probably be getting even more credit than they're already getting. They both were responsible for fostering a passion in me and so many others that still burns today.
So happy 40th anniversary to Star Wars. We have A LOT to look forward to in 2018. And I can’t wait to see what is coming next!
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