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Q and A of the Day: Day 76

Posted by Paul | January 03, 2015 at 03:08 PM ET

Welcome to our next Q and A of the Day post! This column will be published daily, weekly, monthly, or just based on how many questions I get emailed – but no more than one a day. Feel free to send in your questions and I will put them in the queue. Click through for Q and A of the Day: Day 76. Topic: What in the world in going on with the Rebels Saga Legends line? Stores are removing them from their mods!


Q: Thanks for all your comprehensive coverage. Question: Is it just me or did Target and Toys R Us remove Saga Legends pegs from the aisles? I only see Black Series and Mission Series. This is odd since the Rebels figures should be continuing through this assortment...? Thanks! (Andrew)

A: If you look back at any Hasbro Star Wars collection, the basic figure line has been the most difficult to find/last to arrive any given year. It's quite the phenomenon. We posted a rumor months ago now that many of the Hasbro Rebels figures could see a delay until January 2015, which has proven true on MULTIPLE fronts. Online stores still haven't received their full stock, Entertainment Earth changed their availability date for wave 1 from October 2014 to December 2014 to January 2015 within a few short weeks. (EE now posts "temporarily out of stock). I personally have yet to see that wave in stock to date. Now it seems as if brick and mortar has thrown in the towel waiting on something that just can't be refilled by Hasbro, or they just never received the product.

I don't know what the heck is going on anymore. You can only blame the ports in CA for so much. There has got to be more happening here than Hasbro is willing to refill. But that's only the conspiracy theorist in me. If you have been reading for a while, you know I live near 6 TARGETs, more Walmarts than I can count and about 5 Toys R Us stores. Most have no signs of Rebels stuff and the ones that do MIGHT have a few Mission Series figures. Unless Hasbro is working hard and diligently behind the scenes AT THIS MOMENT trying to get product into stores, I see the whole Rebels line look coming to a complete deadlock. It seems CA is one of the only states that has benefiting by finding these figures. But then again, CA is the first spot in the USA where Star Wars figures hit. I bet people are scooping them up left and right in a hoard-like manner.

But back to brick and mortar. JTA has witnessed the complete REMOVAL of Saga Legends tags in multiple stores near us ourselves and we're quite disappointed by that. We're not panicked about it because that would be silly, but it is extremely deflating to not only not find wave 1, but come to grips with the fact that it will be Lord-knows-when we will see waves 2 and 3 which by Hasbro's original approximation should already be in our hands by now.In all of my years of collecting, this is the WORST I have ever seen things. Obviously cheaper action figures (a budget line for kids and gift-givers) [BARF!] hasn't saved the line from certain doom. And with the new rumors that TFA could be another new scale, well, let's just say that this collector has very little hope left inside of him. One thing is for sure, I am so happy I collected during the golden era, because what is being offered today is beyond dreadful.


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