K & C Collectibles has Black Series 6" Wave 3 and 3 3/4" Wave 3 in-stock. We also have added 80 Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments, LEGO sets and much more. Click through for a complete list of recently added items.

Black Series 3 3/4" Figures
- 6" Black Series Figures:
- #11 - Luke Skywalker Bespin Outfit
- #10 - Obi-Wan Kenobi
- #09 - Stormtrooper
Black Series Figures:
- #19 - Mace Windu
- #18 - Darth Plagueis
- #17 - Vizam
- #16 - Clone Commander Neyo
- #15 - Merumeru
Star Wars Insider and Books:
- Issue 149 Newsstand Cover Edition
- Issue 149 Exclusive Cover Edition
Mission Series:
- MS07 - Han Solo and Chewbacca Death Star
- MS06 - Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Maul Mandalore
- MS05 - R2-D2 and C-3PO Tantive IV
Saga Legends:
- SL09 - Boba Fett
- SL10 - Captain Rex
- SL11 - Clone Commander Cody
- SL12 - Stormtrooper
- Mini Jedi Starfighter & Slave I (4487) 4/4
- Mini AT-ST & Snowspeeder (4486) 3/4
- Mini Anakin's & Sebulba's Podracers (4485) 2/4
- Mini MTT (4491) #4 of 4
- Mini AT-AT (4489) #2 of 4
- Mini Millennium Falcon (4488) #1 of 4
- Mini Star Destroyer (4492) #1 of 4
- Mini Sith Infiltrator (4493) #2 of 4
- Mini Imperial Shuttle (4494) #3 of 4
- Ultimate Collector Series Naboo Starfighter 10026
- Bounty Hunter Pursuit (7133)
- Imperial Shuttle (7166)
TIE Bomber (4479)
Watto';s Junk Yard (7186)
May the Force be with You,
K & C Collectibles