Posted by Paul | February 15, 2014 at 07:49 PM ET
JTA is thrilled to CONFIRM once again that one of our huge BREAKING NEWS rumor reports has come 100% true. If you recall, we posted THIS ARTICLE which went on to explain that Hasbro was reconsidering how they made their wave assortments and how figures would be getting shipped in the future. Not only were we correct above revised case assortments, we can ALSO CONFIRM that there WILL INDEED be figures from The Vintage Collection peppered into the line. Are you interested? You better be because we have FULL DETAILS on this huge news including the release dates and packaging changes The Black Series line will undergo through wave 6. CLICK THROUGH NOW! And tell yours friends you heard it first here!
The Black Series 3.75" Wave 4 (2014) (Release Date: May 1, 2014) - orange/black packaging
Yoda (Jedi Training)
Snowtrooper Commander
Toryn Farr
Dack Ralter (The Vintage Collection carry-forward)
Bastila Shan
(The Vintage Collection carry-forward)
The Black Series 3.75" Wave 5 (2014) (Release Date: July 1, 2014) - orange/black packaging
Darth Vader (Episode III)
Wedge Antilles (Snowspeeder Pilot)
Sergeant Doallyn (Skiff Guard)
AT-RT Driver
(The Vintage Collection carry-forward)
Republic Trooper
(The Vintage Collection carry-forward)
The Black Series 3.75" Wave 6 (2014) (Release Date: August/September 2014) - blue/black packaging
Luke Skywalker (Wampa Attack)
Darth Malgus (The Vintage Collection carry-forward)
(The Vintage Collection carry-forward)
(Yoda and Darth Vader Episode III will be carry-forward into this wave as well)
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