Posted by Paul | December 16, 2013 at 07:21 PM ET
Well, here is a puzzle that I just can't resolve myself. I don't know if this is a variation, or just two starkly different painted Mara Jade figures. Please weigh your thoughts in our comments and if you have any other proof otherise to credit or discredit this, please send it in to us. I know the placement of her hair drastically affects the appearance of this character, but this one has thrown me for a loop. Special thanks to JTA reader Mike C. for sending us links to photos of his samples, and hopefully we will have an answer soon. Click through for more.
I'm not sure if this is an acutal variant or if it's just a quality control issue but I just received a case of Wave 3 on Canadian card(that may be news too, I haven't seen them or heard of them at retail yet but they are for sure coming...) a few days ago and just tonight I noticed that not only did the Mara Jade cardback have the weapon packaging variation that you reported a few weeks ago, but there was also a very noticable difference in the paint aps on the portrait and the hairpiece has been attached way more forward so there is way less forehead showing. The photos I have are unfortunately very grainy but they are the best that your going to get out of me, my camera sucks I took many pics and those were the best of the bunch. In person these two figures look very noticably different from one another. Take a look and see what you think?
Side by side shot,
Close up headshot of first (wave 2) Mara
Close up headshot of new (wave 3) Mara
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