Posted by Paul | December 06, 2013 at 09:22 PM ET
Welcome to our next Q and A of the Day post! This column will be published daily, weekly, monthly, or just based on how many questions I get emailed – but no more than one a day. Feel free to send in your questions and I will put them in the queue. Click through for Q and A of the Day: Day 28.
Q: Hey Paul. has posted multiple articles on the update to the 41st Elite Corps Clone Trooper [from The Black Series], that it's still happening. They've stated that it should be hitting the end of this month or early 2014. Have you heard any more about this too? (Danny W.)
A: Hello Danny. This one is a pickle. I hope their Hasbro contact is relaying the correct information to them, I really do, because I want to see this update probably more than anyone else. But I have my doubts. In 2009, a very respected Hasbro representative looked directly into my eyes and said "Paul, relax, the running change to the Hoth Rebel Trooper (BD 42) is coming in wave 7 of The Legacy Collection." Guess what? It never came. And it wasn't until deep into the red phase of the Legacy Collection that they realized it must have never happened.... even though they were aware and the running change was planned. Adam Pawlus (from has always said that eBay is a great gauge to find out about the "actuality" of running changes and available figures. He is right about this. A cursory search on eBay for the 41st Elite Corps Clone Trooper will yield ZERO of these running change variants. OK, so it might be too early to freak out, right?
Well, I have reached out to a couple of my China contacts (who have graciously gotten us cases of figures months in advance for our RDRs and VGs) and they have come across ZERO of these running changes as well. If these figures are due to hit this month or even early 2014, there would be some sign of these updated figures in China at this point. Also, eBay sellers like viperskingdom and tunghori would seem to have the updated figures at this point in their eBay stores (as they get figures months in advance prior to their official release).
So is Hasbro lying? Absolutely not. But sometimes the changes just don't get communicated in a way that makes them happen. I don't think it's likely that we will see the running change, but again, I hope I am wrong. And if it does squeak out, I will publicly post that I was wrong about this one. We are just a bit too far into The Black Series I fear. Wave 3 has already hit and so far no reports of the corrected figure have been found inside of those case assortments. Perhaps future releases of this case assortment will indeed yield the running change. I don't know. if that doesn't happen, unless he is carried-forward into wave 4, what other chances do we have of seeing this figure updated? Let's hope is he isn't carried beyond wave 4 for peg-warming reasons alone, right? Let's see what happens, but I have a bad feeling about this.
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