Posted by Paul | December 04, 2013 at 10:00 PM ET
It’s been a long time coming (James' trip to San Francisco for 10 days as well as his crazy 15-16 hour working days has got in the way in getting this out) but it’s here now...
Recorded in late October/early November Dan Curto and James Burns talk about all the news from New York Comic Con, all the latest products available to buy or pre-order as well as catching up and talking to Steve Sansweet about the
upcoming (although it’s already happened) party to celebrate the induction of Rancho Obi-Wan into the 2104 Guinness World Records. There’s lots more news besides and it’s time to tune in and catch up!
Fear not, we’ll have another show out before Christmas along with a special announcement too!
Direct download link here.
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