Posted by Paul | April 27, 2013 at 03:22 PM ET
If this doesn't make you want to move to Sweden for Star Wars collecting reasons, nothing will. While found at multiple Swedish TRUs, it's still unreal that this figure is making repeat appearances even in 2013. Click through for JTA reader Mats J.'s hardly believable store report!
Could this figure and the rest of the wave be stuck in a warehouse in the USA too?
Went on a toyrun today looking for ERG and Republic Troopers. Didn´t find any of those two but I came across something else instead.
First stop was TRU to see what the had and to use the 25% off everything. The only thing worth getting for now was the Imperial Scanning Crew from TLC. It did not have the right Droidpart that I need, but for this price I couldn´t pass on it. Sadly there where no Naboo Starfighter´s left, the last one beeing bought by another costumer along with a wagon full of stuff. Price 69,90 SEK minus 25% = 52,43 SEK (7,49 USD).
Then I went to 3 different BR-Leksaker stores (same store as TRU, but with less toys and costs a little more) and here is were I found stuff that some collectors only dream off. BR is offering BOGO for free so my hopes were up for something cool.
Store 1: First thing I saw was the........ Ahsoka Tano CW44 on one peg. Yeah that´s right I found 1 Ahsoka CW44 just haning there behind other Clone Wars figures. Grabbed that one ASAP and continued to look around. Found 1 Ahsoka TVC and after that I went to pay for both of them. This is were I ran into trouble. The Ahsoka CW44 was not part of the BOGO sale so I had to give up on the Vintage one. And I had some of that stores "coupons" and got it for a swet price. Price 179,90 SEK minus 100 SEK in Coupons = 79,90 SEK (11,41 USD).
Store 2: Nothing cool to pick up except maybe the Vintage Ahsoka but with no other cool figures to go along with the BOGO sale I passed on it.
Store 3: Picked up 1 Obi-Wan Kenobi Light-Up Lightsaber and 1 Qui-Gon Jinn Light-Up Lightsaber for the BOGO sale and got one for free. But wait there is more to come, I also found........another Ahsoka CW44 hanging one the pegs. Yeah that´s right I found another one and picked that one up too. Price 3 x 179,90 SEK minus BOGO 179,90 SEK = 359,80 SEK (51,40 USD).
Alright so this is not what I thought I would find at my toyrun today. I did find almost the entire wave 16 at those four stores with the exeption of ERG, Republic Trooper and Lumat. Okey so no ERG´s but on the other hand I did find 2 Ahsoka CW44 today (2013-04-27) so this was not a let down in any way.
I´m also sending along a pic of all my Ahsoka CW44 figures. Now this is one pic to look at
Best regards
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