Posted by Paul | April 14, 2013 at 08:13 PM ET
If you recall, a little while ago we posted a link to an eBay seller who was selling the 2010 TVC Darth Sidious (VC12) figure loose for a very reasonable price (our original story can be found HERE). It has since gone up in price (you can see the auction HERE), but collectors often wonder about the quality of these "throw-away" action figures. If you're curious, JTA reader Cody B. has the answer for you. Click through to read his recent discovery.
I received my darth Sidious [from an eBay auction] you posted about a week ago, I purchased mine from the seller for $11 and suprisingly even though the seller was from Honk Kong the figure was perfectly fine, the joints were a bit tight from sitting out in the cold mailbox but overall i could not even tell the figure was from a "dumster diver", well anyways the figure was great and there is no reason to be afraid from buying from the seller, not even any broken english on the "We do care" slip inserted in the package.
Cody B.
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