Posted by Paul | April 03, 2013 at 08:49 AM ET
JTA reader Carlos A.G.L. from Mexico writes in to to let us know what's hitting there! Click through to find out!!
Hey JTA!
You may remember my last report where I informed you about the last TCW wave showing up in Mexico. Well, now the 2013 wave of Movie Heroes is hitting mexican stores as well. There were also several TVC figures which seem to belong to the greatest hits wave. The figures found were: Arc Trooper Commander, Aayla Secura, Gamorrean Guard, 501st legion clone trooper, Dr. Evazan, Kithaba, Logray, Bom Vindin, Wedge Antilles, Han Solo (Bespin), Barriss Offee and the Rebel Fleet Trooper.
Greetings from Mexico!
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