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Sponsor Announcement: DASH Over to Our New Blog!

Posted by Chuck | January 09, 2013 at 06:17 PM ET

Hey folks, Corey from DASH here again. We’ve always been a little formal with our communication in the past, but I decided it’s time to “get real” and let you know there are actually real people and people who care about action figures behind our site. I’ve finally got a platform to talk toys to my heart’s content, and that’s what we’re updating you on today...

Collector DASH Action Figures

DASH Over to Our New Blog and Share Your Thoughts

Things haven’t always been perfect at Collector-ActionFigures, but I genuinely think we already have the internet’s best action figure values guide, the world’s biggest action figure catalog, and a pretty great place to buy action figures. And now we’ve added something to bring it all together. We call it DASH Flash, and it’s your brand new platform for action figure reviews, news, previews, articles, features, and pretty much anything else I can think about writing.  

So visit DASH Flash, and then please let me know what you think about everything. Collector-ActionFigures is built for the community, and this is your new blog as much or more than it is mine. We want to see your vision for it, want to hear your ideas, and want to exceed your expectations in every way. That’s my goal anyway. I’ve done this in the past, but this is my newest baby, and the opportunities for it are far greater than ever before.
If you could take a minute to leave a comment right here with your thoughts or desires, I’ll be reading. Leave a comment on any of the current DASH Flash articles and I’ll be watching (creepy, right?). Even feel free to send me an email at [email protected] and I’ll take your suggestions to heart.

This is a great time for Collector-ActionFigures, and I want you to be a big part of it every step of the way.


Win a Masters of the Universe Granamyr from DASH

If you’re wondering why a digital collection on DASH is a wise choice, you should consider the following benefits:

  • The ability to track your collection on the DASH Catalog by seeing how many figures you have, how much you paid for them, and when you bought them.
  • The ability to purchase new and vintage figures, sell your own to a targeted audience, and browse for unique deals on the DASH Marketplace.
  • Access to full collection reporting, trading with other members, and extensive figure values in the DASH Collector’s Club.

Those are just a few of the reasons signing up for a new membership on DASH will help you with your collection, and the best way to experience all the reasons is swing by the site right now and start playing around. You have the power to make your collection great!

For complete contest rules and requirements, please email [email protected]


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