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The Legacy Collection

R7-T1 - TLC - Build A Droid

Name: R7-T1
Collection: The Legacy Collection
Number: N/A
Source: Expanded Universe (Before The Storm)
Availability: August 2008
License: Hasbro

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About the only "problem" with the Build A Droid figures is the lack of bio information that appears on the card backs of the basic line. If it weren't for Wookieepedia or StarWars.com, we may not know much more about these figures than what they look like. Although zero to no pictures of R7-T1 exist, we only know about him in novel form. (But obviously, some visual must exist for Hasbro to copy a 2D design into three dimensions.) Per the novel, R7-T1 took the place of R2-D2 for a while after the Battle of Endor. But Luke Skywalker came to soon realize that he didn't like the newer model astromech and returned to his long time companion. (Yes, we know it isn't the best plot line, we have received much better from Lucasfilm.) The novel Before The Storm was written in the Shadows Of The Empire era, and it was a time where the Star Wars Expanded Universe lore was either hit or miss. This was one novel that was certainly closer to "miss" than "hit", but your opinions may vary. New takes on familiar characters are things that have become quite successful in the EU (especially in the area of action figures), but something lacks with the R7 unit design. And for those of you who love nicknames, you will be thrilled to know that this one's is Artee. (We hear your grunts and moans out there!)

R7-T1 is meant to be a newer model astromech, but he actually looks like a precursor to the R2, R3, R4, and R5 units. The 'silly' design has multiple geometric shapes that give the droid a retrograde feel and it is a bit hard to take the droid seriously. Also, these bizarre shapes coupled with bright colors don't do much to help the droid have a "lived-in" look or make it seem like its seen some action in various battles or adventures. Yes, we have received some bright R2, R3, R4, and R5 units throughout our collecting tenure, but their is just something too primary about R7-T1. We're not sure if it is because this droid has a look that we are not used to yet, but it is in need of something to look a little bit more realistic in the Star Wars universe. The droid has a unique head style and again, it is decorated with triangles and equidistant parallel lines. Except for its dome head, it doesn't have a familiarity that you would have wished for an astromech and as a result it just isn't too memorable. R7-T1 also has removable jets on each of his legs. And while this was introduced on R2 in Episode II, it doesn't seem to work as well on R7. They fall off very easily and are more of a nuisance than a cool addition to the figure.

We are huge fans of the Build A Droid pack-in premium and we do not have regrets about getting the R7 style of astromech droids. But perhaps better decorating could have made this figure the droid it should have been and perhaps some artistic license could have been taken to help make this droid look not so cartoonish. Regardless, we are not sure if any astromech should look so clean and new. Even on R2-D2's best days he shows signs of wear and tear. So we think the same should be true for R7. R7-T1 is easily assembled with the purchase of four figures from wave 2 of The Legacy Collection. To be exact, you will need Saesee Tiin (BD 11), Padmé Amidala (BD 12), Mon Calamari Warrior (BD 14) and Quarren Soldier (BD 15). This wave was certainly one of the best we have received despite their Build A Droid parts not being too impressive. If you are interested though, you may have to up yourfigure hunting skills because they are starting to disappear at the brick and mortar side of retail. Shopping online may be your only hope now. R7-T1 will certainly grown on you over time. It is worthy tracking down the figures to assemble the parts. (Editor's Note: R7-T1 was visually represented for the first time in 2014's E-wing Expansion Pack from the X-wing Miniatures Game.)

Collector Notes


Status: R7-T1 is an all-new figure that utilizes the R7-series astromech Build A Droid sculpt. It can be built from 7 individual parts split across the following figures:

Saesee Tiin (BD 11) – R7-T1 right leg/booster rocket

Padmé Amidala (BD 12) – R7-T1 left leg/booster rocket

Mon Calamari Warrior (BD 14) – R7-T1 body

Quarren Soldier (BD 15) – R7-T1 dome/third leg

Articulation Count: 8 points (8 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel dome (1), swivel left leg (1), swivel right leg (1), hinge-jointed left foot (1), hinge-jointed right foot (1), left leg rolling wheel (1), right leg rolling wheel (1), third leg rolling wheel (1)

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: 2 removable jets

Date Stamp: 2008

Assortment Number: None

UPC: None

Retail: $0.00 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.


The Legacy Collection Wave 2

Obi-Wan Kenobi (BD 9)

Clone SCUBA Trooper (BD 10)

Saesee Tiin (BD 11)

Padmé Amidala (BD 12)

IG Lancer Droid (BD 13)

Mon Calamari Warrior (BD 14)

Quarren Soldier (BD 15)

Clone Trooper (BD 16)

R4-J1 (Build A Droid)

R7-T1 (Build A Droid)

Added: August 29, 2009
Category: Legacy Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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