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The Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side]

BARC Speeder Bike With Clone Trooper Buzz - TCW [SOTDS] - Deluxe (Exclusive)

Name: BARC Speeder Bike With Clone Trooper Buzz
Collection: The Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side]
Number: N/A (Walmart Exclusive)
Source: The Clone Wars (Season 2 Episode 6: Weapons Factory)
Availability: December 2011
License: Hasbro

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Clone trooper Buzz rides a BARC speeder bike on Geonosis. He is on a scouting mission for the Republic forces, as they plan their next move against the Separatist army. With its laser cannons, speed and mobility, the bike gives Buzz the ability to defend himself against an enemy attack.

The Fall 2011 Walmart exclusives were the center of one of the biggest dramas of “missing in action” Star Wars products the collecting community has ever seen. Originally supposed to be available in the summer of 2011, they begun appearing on shelves much later in the beginning of December. (At least they arrived in time for Christmas.) Distribution is still a mess in general with the Star Wars line and case assortments choices Hasbro makes are making collectors scratch their heads in confusion more than ever. Heck, even two of the general release sets got “canceled” because Hasbro couldn’t get them out (probably because they have an inordinate of cases of undistributed Class 1 figures in their warehouse – we’re only guessing). But maybe instead of complaining about what didn’t make it out for release, perhaps we should be thankful that the two exclusive Class 1 sets indeed made it to Walmart. They’re really just more of what you’d expect, but they’re done well and look pretty good. And they remain one of the better values for your dollar of the many products Hasbro releases.

BARC Speeder Bike With Clone Trooper Buzz is an excellent set and the entire package may look familiar to you. Both the vehicle and figure are from head to toe a rework of 2011’s TCW [SOTDS] BARC Speeder Bike With Clone Trooper Jesse set. This set may just be a simple repaint, but it works a little bit better this time around (in comparison to Clone Trooper Jesse). As you know, this revised clone trooper sculpt is one of the best Hasbro has made to date. The proportions and details are ripped right from The Clone Wars television show and although it doesn’t come with ball-jointed ankles, it does come with ball-jointed hips that allow it to fit incredibly well on the including vehicles they come with in the set. Hasbro also updated the mold to remove the ball-jointed torso, but we would be lying if we said that we would have preferred the ball-jointed torso. Having a swivel torso (for the Class 1 assortment at least) is a better option because it keeps the action figure upright with an erect posture that just looks better in our opinion.

You’ll have to mill through a couple of samples at Walmart, but if you look carefully enough you’ll be able to find one set that contains a well-painted Clone Trooper Buzz action figure inside of it. Just keep this in mind as you're hunting for this set because not all units have the nicest paint jobs. He has more detail that you’d might expect and for the most part Hasbro has added his color flashes with precision and evenness. His unique “stitches” decal on his helmet is there and a pair of Jaig eyes are visible on his left shoulder. Part of the 41st Elite Corps led by Luminara Unduli, he is welcomed into The Clone Wars toy line with already released 2009's TCW [S2] Commander Gree (CW09), 2009's TCW [F/S1] Clone Trooper (41st Elite Corps) (No. 26) and 2010’s TCW [SOTDS] Clone Trooper Draa (CW35). Clone Trooper Buzz made appearances in the Weapons Factory/Legacy Of Terror story arc and fought the Separatist Droid Army alongside Captain Rex and Commander Gree. The BARC Speeder Bike With Clone Trooper Buzz Deluxe (or Class 1) set is excellent and it’s great we have a screen specific exclusive clone trooper to make buying the BARC Speeder Bike again worthwhile.

Collector Notes

BARC Speeder Bike With Clone Trooper Buzz

Assortment Number: 31707/31695

UPC: 653569603153

Retail: $16.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

BARC Speeder Bike

Status: BARC Speeder Bike is a rework of the BARC Speeder Bike from 2011's TCW [SOTDS] BARC Speeder Bike With Clone Trooper Jesse Deluxe set.

Features Count: 2

Feature Details: figure fits on vehicle, includes blaster, exclusive figure

Accessory Count: None

Accessory Details: None

Date Stamp: 2010

Clone Trooper Buzz

Status: Clone Trooper Buzz is a rework of Clone Trooper Jesse from 2011's TCW [SOTDS] BARC Speeder Bike With Clone Trooper Jesse Deluxe set.

Articulation Count: 20 points (12 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), swivel waist (1), ball-jointed left hip (2), ball-jointed right hip (2), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2)

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: DC-15 blaster rifle (gray)

Date Stamp: 2010

The Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side] Deluxe Wave 1

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BARC Speeder Bike With Clone Trooper Buzz

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Added: December 11, 2011
Category: Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side], The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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