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The Saga Collection

Chief Chirpa - TSC - Basic (SAGA 039)

Name: Chief Chirpa
Collection: The Saga Collection
Number: SAGA 039
Source: Return Of The Jedi
Availability: July 2006
License: Hasbro

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Chief Chirpa

Battle of Endor

species: Ewok

height: one meter

chief advisor: an iguana

Chief Chirpa is the wise, gray-furred leader of the Ewok tribe that befriended a Rebel strike team sent to the forest moon of Endor to destroy the Imperial shield generator. After some initial hostilities, it was he who accepted the Rebels into his tribe. A fierce defender of his people, he had been looking for a means to effectively resist the Imperial occupation, and did not hesitate to assist the Rebels by committing his forces to battle.

The Saga Collection’s Chief Chirpa changed Ewok action figures as we know it. Hasbro reinvented their approach on these little fur balls and brought authenticity and scale to an all new and impressive level. No longer cartoony looking or too large, Chief Chirpa not only came perfectly scaled with the rest of the figures in the basic figure line, but the details and articulation Hasbro brought forth had also been upgraded in very impressive ways. Coming to collectors with a whopping eight points of articulation on an action figure half the size of the average 3.75” action figure, collectors have a lot to be happy about with Hasbro’s newly enlightened look at the Ewoks. Trust us when we say that life has changed for Ewoks with Chief Chirpa and it is one of the greatest blessings bestowed to collectors from Hasbro. Consider it a gift. (Editor’s Note: Obviously even more evolution to the Ewok species has occurred. But there is no denying that Chief Chirpa was the catalyst that made this happen.) With proper scale, excellent articulation and detail that will make grown men cry, Chief Chirpa ushers in a new era of Ewok action figures for collectors.

Chief Chirpa not only comes with an impressive eight points of articulation, his accessories and paint job are also excellently done as well. The fur has been replicated beautifully and you’ll find lots of alternating browns, grays and whites just like what we saw in his fur from Return Of The Jedi. Hasbro missed the paint on his fingernails, but it's utlimately not that big of a deal. The rest of this figure's paint job is amazing, especially the details included in his cowl. You see colorful adornments like jewelry and the like. Hasbro utilized varying colors to make these ornaments on his cowl stand out. You’ll find sticks and animal teeth as well as some rings and things that adorns his headdress. The cowl unfortunately inhibits his swivel arm movement, but you won’t care because it is perfectly done. It's also easily removable. It pops on and off rather easily. He also comes with a removable sheath that houses a knife and this tiny accessory can be held in his hand quite tightly. And lastly he comes with his infamous leadership staff that also has an excellent paint job. Just look at that speckled pattern on the handle. It’s quite impressive.

What Chief Chirpa doesn’t come with unfortunately is his iguana, something we had hoped the modern take on this character would definitely bring. We learn in the Expanded Universe that it is his iguana that apparently guides him in his many decisions for the tribe. It is a disappointment not to get this extra accessory included here because The Saga Collection has set a standard with so many of the basic figures thus far. The line is loaded with so many cool accessories and they're supplementing the action figures brilliantly. What stinks is that the iguana can be clearly seen in the film. It would have been awesome to finally get it as a toy. We suppose it is most important to look at the positives of Chief Chirpa of which there are many anyhow. Ewok lovers have a lot to look forward to going forward in the basic action figure line. It’s cool that Hasbro decided to reinvent their approach making Ewoks specifically came with the release of Chief Chirpa. He and Logray (Ewok Medicine Man) were the very first two Ewok action figures ever created (back in 1983). So it looks like the cycle is starting all over again (for the better). We cannot wait to see what transpires next.

Collector Notes

Chief Chirpa

Status: Chief Chirpa is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 8 points (8 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), swivel waist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)

Accessory Count: 4

Accessory Details: cowl, staff, knife, removable sheath

Date Stamp: 2006

Assortment Number: 86910/85770

UPC: 653569126553

Retail: $6.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

The Saga Collection Wave 6
Chief Chirpa (SAGA 039)
Moff Jerjerrod (SAGA 040)
Death Star Gunner (SAGA 041)
C-3PO With Ewok Throne (SAGA 042)
Emperor Palpatine (SAGA 043)

Added: October 3, 2011
Category: Saga Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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