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Mini Busts

Commander Bly (The Clone Wars) - Mini Busts

Name: Commander Bly (The Clone Wars)
Type: Mini Busts
Number: Item No. 80050
Edition Size: 1500
Source: The Clone Wars (Season 1 Episode 14: Defenders Of Peace)
Availability: February 2011
License: Gentle Giant Ltd.

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Assigned to the 327th Star Corps of clone troopers, Commander Bly worked with Jedi General Aayla Secura throughout the Clone Wars. Bly comes perilously close to finding out the devastating effect of a new Separatist weapon that threatens a peaceful Lurmen village on the planet Maridun.

Thank goodness for high-end collectibles. Sometimes we don’t realize just how inaccurate the Hasbro action figures are until we see the same characters created in a different and larger scale. Such is tru for Commander Bly (The Clone Wars) Mini Bust. Released as a very low edition sized Mini Bust exclusive for AFX , Commander Bly (The Clone Wars) is just more proof (that you really no longer need at this point) that Gentle Giant Ltd. is all about accuracy, detail and excellence. Despite trusting Gentle Giant Ltd. implicitly with their products, they show once again why we can rely on them to bring us fine Star Wars collectibles in their various scales, but most importantly their popular Mini Busts line. Commander Bly is excellently sculpted and in fact, his pose is ripped right out of the Defenders Of Peace season one episode of The Clone Wars complete with backpack and blaster in hand and is another great addition to this line.

Commander Bly, or specifically CC-5052, is a fan favorite clone commander and also happens to be one of our favorites as well. Despite our affection for him, we have just come to realize how his color flashes are actually denoted on his armor. If you watch Episode III, you know Commander Bly has a combination of dark yellows and light brown which color his armor, and we all assumed his armor was basically the same in the phase I status. Whether we cannot fully see the details in Episode III or not, the Gentle Giant Mini Bust displays features we didn’t know existed in his armor. Instead of a plain yellow stripe up his arms, there is actually and “almost” orange border that strokes the yellow color flashes. It smoothly blends in with the yellow in an almost gradient like fashion. And this same stylization is found on his helmet. His kama is outlined with the yellow piping and it’s painted so neatly and even to the point of over impressing us.

While the 2010 TCW Commander Bly (CW39) figure from Hasbro was good and a lot of fun, you’ll discover its inaccuracies when compared against the Gentle Giant Mini Bust. Part of the problem with the Hasbro figure is that not enough is given to the finishing touches of the paint job. Hasbro has removed carbon-scoring marks and dirt from their action figures and it leaves a much too antiseptic look on our action figures. The Commander Bly Mini Bust is clean, but obvious time and energy was spent to get the colors in his white armor perfect. Gentle Giant has tremendously succeeded here and we are personally very thankful to have such an accurate representation of the character we see in The Clone Wars television show. From his DC-15 blaster to his DC-17 blaster pistols, Commander Bly is ready to take a steadfast place in your collection. Limited to only 1500 pieces, don’t expect this one to hang around for too long.

Collector Notes

Commander Bly (The Clone Wars)

Status: This highly-detailed maquette, based on the original Lucasfilm costumes and props, was sculpted and painted by Gentle Giant Ltd. We hope you enjoy it.

Exclusivity: Action Figure Xpress Exclusive

Assembly: N/A

Date Stamp: 2010

UPC: 871810008308

Retail: $59.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Gentle Giant Ltd.
All Mini Busts

Added: September 20, 2011
Category: Mini Busts
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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