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1:6 Scale Figures

Boil And Waxer With Numa - Militaries Of Star Wars - 1:6 Scale Figures

Name: Waxer And Boil With Numa
Collection: Militaries Of Star Wars
Number: Item #1000121
Edition Size: 500 (Exclusive) 1500 (Regular)
Scale: 1:6 Scale Figures
Source: The Clone Wars (Season 1 Episode 20: Innocents Of Ryloth)
Availability: July 2011
License: Sideshow Collectibles

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With the Clone Wars well underway, Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi receives orders to lead his troops aboard Republic gunships to the planet Ryloth and take the city of Nabat as a landing zone for its transport ships. The Twi'lek citizens of Nabat have been taken hostage by Separatist battle droids and are being used as human shields for the droids' anti-aircraft cannons in the city's central courtyard. Landing in the jungles outside Nabat, the Jedi General leads his troops forward.

To gain intelligence on the droid operations in Nabat, clone Commander Cody leads a small team of three other clones, splitting into two groups with clones Boil and Waxer heading south. Following a strange sound into an alleyway, Boil and Waxer find a young Twi'lek girl named Numa and learn that she was orphaned by the Separatist invasion. She was only spared from the onslaught as she was playing in the storm tunnels beneath Nabat when the droids captured the rest of her people. Weaving through the wreckage in the streets, Numa leads Boil and Waxer to what remains of her home, finding only rubble and her old tooka doll. Suddenly, the trio comes under attack from the gutkurrs creatures that roam the planet and must escape through the underground tunnels that run beneath the city.

When Boil and Waxer resurface with Numa to join the General and the rest of the troops, Kenobi learns that Numa can lead them all through tunnels to free the Twi'lek prisoners in the square and defeat the Separatist droids. Kenobi sends Cody and some of his troopers ahead to act as an overland diversion while Kenobi, Boil and Waxer take the catacombs. Obi-Wan surfaces in the courtyard and sees the assembled droid forces and the cannon emplacements. Waxer and Boil stealthily follow while Cody's troops erupt in an attack. The droids return fire to Cody's forces while Kenobi concentrates on freeing the prisoners. As the Twi'leks run into the underground tunnels, Numa is reunited with Nilim Bril, her uncle, while Cody and the troops defeat the Separatist droids and take back Nabat for the Republic transport ships.

Sideshow Collectibles not only wants to produce high quality 1:6 scaled figures for collectors, they also want to find new an innovative ways to bring them to us. Two-packs have been attempted in the past like the Luke Skywalker (In Stormtrooper Disguise)/Han Solo (In Stormtrooper Disguise) set or the Chancellor Palpatine (Chancellor Of The Republic)/Darth Sidious (Sith Lord) set and brought us incredibly detailed figures for the 12 Inch Figures line. Now Sideshow Collectibles delves into The Clone Wars franchise (in multipack form) and puts together what may just be one of the greatest moments in this scale to bring us the Boil And Waxer With Numa “3-pack”. We use the term “3-pack” loosely because Numa is really more of a fancy accessory than anything else. To give her proper credit however, she has a ball-jointed head and 2 ball-jointed shoulders. Three points of articulation are hardly enough to qualify as a 1:6 scaled figure, but she still is wonderfully sculpted, painted and dressed to serve as a realistic interpretation of the animated character we saw in the extremely touching Innocents Of Ryloth episode from season one of The Clone Wars. Don’t misinterpret our comment because the included Numa figure looks fantastic and she's very important to the set. Heck, her interchangeable right arm is the exclusive accessory in this set. (This hand holds her infamous tooka doll.) But we can’t help but notice that she seems much too small in almost every proportional way when posed next to Boil and Waxer. Yes, she is a young Twi’lek female child, but something seems every so slightly off about her scale. That’s just our opinion of course.

Boil and Waxer are clearly the stars of this multipack. In case you're not aware, Boil and Waxer first came to collectors in the 2009 TARGET exclusive Assault On Ryloth Battle Packs set, something that is quite hard to find these days. So now is your chance to enjoy them in a larger scale. Designed from the perfected Armored Body which was a joint effort by Sideshow Collectibles and Hot Toys, the 212th Attack Battalion never looked better in 1:6 scale form. The Republic Clone Trooper (212th Attack Battalion: Utapau) figure (which was the very first Episode III clone produced by Sideshow Collectibles by the way) was made with a nylon bodysuit. Sideshow changed the way the bodysuit was made and now it’s real soft-goods to better form the silhouette of the clone and prevent bagginess or bunching up of the armor. It works significantly better than ever now. For Boil and Waxer, their armor is significantly cleaner that the 212th Attack Battalion clone trooper, but there are still plenty of signs of dirt and wear and tear. Sideshow just knows how to replicate battle-damage so incredibly well! In a very generous move, Boil and Waxer come with three head attachments. The phase I helmet, the phase II helmet (the phase II helmet must be a Sideshow convention as we have not seen this represented in The Clone Wars cartoon yet) and the human portraits are all included here for fully versatile display options. And each attachment is unique from the next so you don’t have to worry about mixing them up when you switch them out. The paint job on the head attachments and the armor is utterly perfect. There are no bleeding lines and no imperfection that we can speak of and the armor seems to hang more appropriately than ever before. As an extra bonus, the joints are ultra tight and Boil and Waxer are able to maintain the poses you place them in which is a wonderful thing. For those of you along with Sideshow from the very beginning know that this wasn’t always the case.

We’re a bit unsure how to judge the value of this set. For $224.99, you get two Militaries Of Star Wars figures. Plain clone troopers typically retail for $89.99 each. So for $45 and one penny extra added on to the price gets you Numa with an interchangeable arm attachment. We can absolutely confirm that Numa is no where worth the $45.01 if you consider the simple math we computed. But we also have to keep in mind that each clone trooper has three separate head attachments. And to boot, there are a plethora of accessories included in the box. Boil and Waxer each come packaged with their own accessories. (A whole set of accessories are housed with each figure separately, although they're not equally divided between them it appears.) So between the extra helmets and the inclusion of human portraits, this certainly could bump them up to the Captain Rex [CC-7567] (501st Legion: Torrent Company) status ($124.99) which would then make this set quite the bargain. The whole “Ryloth” story arc was an very interesting and exciting tale and it brought a human element to the clones that really wasn’t seen beforehand. Of course we know the clones are human, but we didn’t see their emotions and feelings displayed and “loudly” as we did in the Innocents Of Ryloth episode. Numa was also another character that we fell in love with and it is great to have her in the 1:6 Scale Figures line, even if she really isn’t that articulated or appropriately scaled. But as a sum of three separate characters, the Boil And Waxer With Numa set is a brilliant work of art and truly stands out from amongst the rest. It comes highly recommend and an absolute must for fans of The Clone Wars.

Collector Notes

Boil And Waxer With Numa

Announcement Date: September 16, 2010 (with a full product reveal on September 21, 2011.)

Pre-order Date: September 23, 2010

Retail: $224.99 USD

UPC: 747720214842

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.


Status: Boil is a rework of the standard Armored Body type and includes and all-new human head portrait as well as the phase I and phase II helmet.

Articulation Count: 31 points

Articulation Details: ball-socket head, ball-jointed neck, double ball-jointed shoulders, double ball-jointed elbows, double ball-jointed wrists, double ball-jointed torso, ball-jointed waist, ball-jointed hips, swivel upper thighs, double ball-jointed knees, 2 swivel shins, 2 ball-jointed ankles, 2 swivel feet

Accessory Count: 18

Accessory Details: phase II helmet, human portrait, DC-15 blaster rifle, DC-15 blaster, DC-17 blaster pistol, 5 interchangeable left hands, 6 interchangeable right hands, interchangeable kneeling left boot, interchangeable kneeling right boot


Status: Waxer is a rework of the standard Armored Body type and includes and all-new human head portrait as well as the phase I and phase II helmet.

Articulation Count: 31 points

Articulation Details: ball-socket head, ball-jointed neck, double ball-jointed shoulders, double ball-jointed elbows, double ball-jointed wrists, double ball-jointed torso, ball-jointed waist, ball-jointed hips, swivel upper thighs, double ball-jointed knees, 2 swivel shins, 2 ball-jointed ankles, 2 swivel feet

Accessory Count: 8

Accessory Details: DC-15 blaster rifle, DC-15 blaster, DC-17 blaster pistol, macrobinoculars, 1 interchangeable left hand, 1 interchangeable right hand, interchangeable kneeling left boot, interchangeable kneeling right boot


Status: Numa is an all-new "figure".

Articulation Count: 3 points

Articulation Details: ball-jointed head, 2 ball-jointed shoulders

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: interchangeable right arm holding tooka doll (Sideshow Exclusive)

Sideshow Collectibles (1:6 Scale Figures)
Heroes Of The Rebellion
Lords Of The Sith
Militaries Of Star Wars
Order Of The Jedi
Scum & Villainy

Sideshow Collectibles (Other Products)
1:6 Scale Figure Environments
Premium Format Figures
Life Size Busts

Added: July 31, 2011
Category: 1:6 Scale Figures
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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