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The Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side]

Clone Commander Colt - TCW [SOTDS] - Basic (CW52)

Name: Clone Commander Colt
Collection: The Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side]
Number: CW52
Source: The Clone Wars (Season 3 Episode 1: Clone Cadets)
Availability: April 2011
License: Hasbro

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Clone Commander Colt defends Kamino cloning facilities that are under attack by Separatist forces. He commands the elite ARC troopers assigned to this challenging mission. He is an expert in amphibious and ground missions and has a helmet with a distinctive design that identifies his specialized unit.

Second or third time is usually the charm when it comes to Hasbro and their amazing action figures. But what if there technically wasn’t a first attempt? That seems to be the controversy with regards to Clone Commander Colt. In 2010, Hasbro released the stunning 2010 TCW [SOTDS] ARC Troopers Battle Packs set. Inside were two “generic” ARC Trooper action figures. But they both nearly mirrored two characters that appeared in the premier episodes of Season 3 including Clone Cadets and ARC Troopers. Many referred to this ARC Trooper as Clone Commander Colt, including ourselves. And about half of the collecting community believed that the white, red and silver ARC Trooper was indeed Clone Commander Colt also, but just with some very obvious paint job errors. (After all, maybe Hasbro didn’t get the best source materials up front when making the figures.) And to be honest, we still are of the opinion that it was definitely an attempt to make Colt. Obviously, many other collectors believe that the figure is just meant to be a generic ARC Trooper loosely based on those awesome television episodes. But whatever your lot, Hasbro has now released a stellar version of Clone Commander Colt (and even named as such) for The Clone Wars basic figure line and we have to say that it is an incredible addition to the basic figure line. It’s amazing that this figure incites so much excitement especially since the same sculpt has been utilized before (twice), but the new paint job and attention to detail Hasbro has given [this figure] this time around. It’s a brilliant piece of work!

Clone Commander Colt looks simply perfect. His armor is primarily white as you would expect, but the forearms and lower legs have been painted gray (along with some subtle red details). This stark contrast makes the figure pop in an explosive way. The most significant upgrade to the figure however (if you’re comparing it to the ARC Troopers figure) is the added detail to the phase II helmet. Half of the helmet has been painted gray and then the lower “cheek portions” also have the same color. On the “nose” of the helmet are very thin parallel lines, almost reminiscent of the Shock Trooper pattern, and it adds an illusion of teeth to the helmet. The helmet looks amazing and we really have never had a clone trooper look quite like this before in the basic figure line. This is a unique design for a clone trooper helmet and it couldn’t be more fitting for a character in The Clone Wars television show, where they are typically decorated aggressively. The figure also has a matching pauldron and all of the details sculpted into the figure and its accessories is just awesome. The rotating rangefinder is the last detail that just brings the awesome look of this ARC Trooper home! The kama looks spectacular as well. The diagonal alternating red and gray striped are immediately reminiscent of a barber shop poll, a design we have seen before in the Star Wars toy line multiple times. The removable backpack on Clone Commander Colt looks exactly like something a Sandtrooper would wear and the functioning holsters fit the blaster pistols wonderfully.

Clone Commander Colt is super-articulated. He doesn’t have ball-jointed hips, but his range of movement is great and you will be able to achieve most positions you desire. The joints are not stiff, but they also aren’t loose, so it will be easy for you to pose him and the joints should maintain their positions. Hasbro must be tightening up on the quality control at the factory level. We tried to find things to criticize as far as the paint job is concerned and were unable find anything to complain about it. This is a testament to how far these action figures have come, especially those in The Clone Wars line. In 2008, none of us would have received an animated action figure this well done. Super-articulation, nearly flawless paint jobs and unprecedented accuracy have all worked very hard together to make the action figure in The Clone Wars line the best they can be. This figure is an impressive achievement and we hope Hasbro keeps up the good work. You may be interested in learning that Clone Commander Colt also has the designation of Red Leader ARC Trooper (which can be seen on the included playing card). It’s been some time since we’ve seen the episode, but we don’t recall this name being uttered. We could be wrong. But names aside, we can tell you that even if you don’t know a darn thing about The Clone Wars television show, we recommend picking up Colt. This figure should bring tears of joy to your eyes. And if it doesn’t, we’re not sure if we can offer you any more help.

Collector Notes

Clone Commander Colt

Status: Clone Commander Colt is a "corrected" repaint of ARC Trooper [B] from 2010's TCW [SOTDS] ARC Troopers Battle Packs set. While many believe that the figure in the Battle Packs set was meant to be Clone Commander Colt, many others believe it is just a generic clone commander.

Articulation Count: 23 points (15 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), swivel waist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed left ankle (2), ball-jointed right ankle (2), swivel rangefinder (1)*

Accessory Count: 6

Accessory Details: *removable antenna, removable backpack, double pauldron, 2 CD-17 blaster pistols, heavy blaster rifle

Date Stamp: 2010

Assortment Number: 28529/94736

UPC: 653569586982

Retail: $7.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

The Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side] Wave 8 (Wave 21)

Riot Control Clone Trooper (CW49)

Barriss Offee (CW50)

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Clone Commander Colt (CW52)

Added: May 4, 2011
Category: Clone Wars [Shadow Of The Dark Side], The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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