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The Saga Collection

Poggle The Lesser - TSC - Basic (SAGA 018)

Name: Poggle The Lesser
Collection: The Saga Collection
Number: SAGA 018
Source: Attack Of The Clones
Availability: February 2006
License: Hasbro

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Poggle The Lesser

Battle of Geonosis

species: geonosian

title: archduke of geonosis

sentences: anakin and padmé to be executed

Poggle has the difficult task of overseeing production on the battle droid army being built for the Techno Union and Separatists. He discovers that a Jedi and Republic Senator have been trespassing in the droid factories and presides over their trial. Anakin and Padmé are found guilty of espionage and are to be executed in the Geonosis arena immediately, but these crafty captives have other plans.

If we were betting people, we would have lost a lot of money with our assertion that Poggle The Lesser would never be released again. We were overly confident (rather cocky actually) that this figure would never see another day on the shelves, but that wasn't the case. Not only was it released a second time, but Hasbro expended money to create a new paint job for it that more closely reflects the look of the digital character in Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones. We were certain the one and only place he would be available for collectors to purchase was in 2003’s SW Geonosian War Chamber (Featuring Poggle The Lesser, Count Dooku & San Hill) (1 of 2) Scene Packs set. Those sets basically rotted on shelves and we found them for $1.98 by the time retail lost any interest in them whatsoever. But Hasbro thought Poggle The Lesser would be a great addition to their Battle Of Geonosis collection in The Saga Collection. And they are actually right. Sun Fac needs a fellow Geonosian to accompany him and we don’t think there is a better choice than Poggle The Lesser.

While the paint job is significantly improved, the articulation unfortunately is not. Poggle The Lesser comes with a limited nine points of articulation (all of which are swivel joints) and two of those points are the rotating wings. The figure has an exceptional amount of details for a figure from 2003, but he could nonetheless stand an upgrade to fix the way he stands (his legs spread too far left and right). He comes with a simply ornate walking cane. It’s bleached white in color and has been detailed with two copper rings in addition to a copper handle. The can fits just alright in his hand, but our sample consistently dropped his. Maybe we’re doing something incorrectly. Poggle The Lesser looks great as is. Don’t expect to pose him in some engaging stance. This action figure has really been designed to function as a statue and that’s exactly what he does best. The design overshadows its articulation however, so many of you should be pleased.

Admittedly, Poggle The Lesser is much more interesting as a single carded figure than anything else. He is backed by a blood red backdrop which shows elements of the planet Geonosis and the top left Attack Of The Clones logo serves as the perfect anchor to the packaging. We rarely comment on a figure’s packaging in this column, but Poggle The Lesser’s is definitely worth noting. We bet if Hasbro decided to revisit this figure at a later date they would be capable of creating a truly amazing action figure. Technology has brought the basic figure line so far and the figures keep getting better and better. But Poggle The Lesser honestly doesn’t need this treatment. (If Hasbro could at least find a way to prevent legs from spreading over time. That is all we would ask of them.) The updated paint job was a gift to be honest. Hasbro didn’t need to do that for us. Because of this, Poggle The Lesser has never looked better. Besides, how can you pass on that packaging?

Collector Notes

Poggle The Lesser

Status: Poggle The Lesser is a repaint of the figure that was included in 2003's SW Geonosian War Chamber (Featuring Poggle The Lesser, Count Dooku & San Hill) (1 of 2) Scene Packs set.

Articulation Count: 9 points

Articulation Details: swivel head, 2 swivel shoulders, swivel wrist, swivel waist, 2 swivel hips, 2 swivel wings

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: cane

Date Stamp: 2003

Assortment Number: 85983/85770

UPC: 653569123422

Retail: $5.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Poggle The Lesser

The Saga Collection Wave 3
Sora Bulq (SAGA 015)
Sun Fac (SAGA 016)
C-3PO (With Battle Droid Head) (SAGA 017)
Poggle The Lesser (SAGA 018)
Yoda (SAGA 019)
Jango Fett (SAGA 020)
Scorch (Republic Commando) (SAGA 021)
Clone Trooper (SAGA 026)

Added: April 27, 2011
Category: Saga Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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