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The Saga Collection

Snowtrooper - TSC - Basic (SAGA 011)

Name: Snowtrooper
Collection: The Saga Collection
Number: SAGA 011
Source: The Empire Strikes Back
Availability: January 2006
License: Hasbro

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Battle of Hoth

specialty: battle in extreme cold conditions

mission: conquer Rebels on hoth

escort: darth vader into the rebel's base

The snowtroopers escort Darth Vader as they storm into Echo Base. Once inside, they find that most of the Rebels have already fled. Only the Millennium Falcon remains, hampered by persistent electrical problems. As the snowtroopers mount their heavy repeating blasters, Han Solo quickly deploys a secret blaster on the Falcon's underside to keep the attackers at bay.

It probably can be said that The Saga Collection Snowtrooper is a train wreck. We know that he was created with the greatest intentions by Hasbro, but we also wonder why they would make a figure from the 2006 collection year out of parts from older figures that date back to 1997. Sure, the most important parts of the figure comes from the more modern 2003 SW Snowtrooper (The Battle Of Hoth) ('03 #19) version, but the kit-bash figure that is also known as the latest Snowtrooper figure in The Saga Collection is so hard to look at, we honestly don’t know why he was even released. It may have been best if Hasbro just reissued or repainted the 2004 OTC Snowtrooper (OTC #25) figure instead. Originally repainted from the 2003 figure, Hasbro could have “re-repainted” to include the awesome dirt and battle-damage marking the 2006 figure does. But to say that this is an upgrade from the 2003/2004 figure is not an accurate statement at all.

The Snowtrooper (SAGA 011) is a kit-bashed figure that has been made from the body and head of 2003’s Snowtrooper (The Battle Of Hoth) ('03 #19) figure and then the arms and legs from 1997’s POTF2 Snowtrooper figure. This does many bad things to the new figure. First, the upper body looks like it wants to be in motion while the legs are firmly planted to the ground almost creating a “running in place” type of aesthetic for the figure. The figure is taller than many other figures in The Saga Collection thanks to the old 1997 legs added. And while we there isn’t any difference in articulation between the arms onf the 1997 figure versus the 2003 figure, it seems the most logical choice was to go with the 2003 figure because of the enhanced sculpting due to more modern technology. Because they went with the 1997 figure, the arms just look inferior and the hands are sculpted to create that perfect “O” shape as a grasp to hold his gun. This figure is a mess.

Where the figure doesn’t fail at all is in the wonderful paint application. Again we wonder why Hasbro invests extra pennies in a figure that really doesn’t deserve it. We compare it to the large and beautifully decorated presents under the tree in a shopping mall at Christmastime. That present gorgeously wrapped and looks fantastic on the outside. But you know you wouldn’t want what’s inside since it is just an empty box made to look special from the outside only. There is nothing inside. Well, the same really goes for the Snowtrooper. It is truly decorated very nicely, but what’s the point if underneath the paint it’s nothing really there? That may sound harsh, but this was not a great action figure by any means. In 2006, except for very rare circumstances, Hasbro should not be revisiting their catalogue of parts from the late 90s to make modern action figures. It really slows the pace of the line. It may have been better for The Saga Collection to not even release a Snowtrooper than give us this mess. Your opinions of course may vary, but we don’t think you can deny that this figure just doesn’t cut it.

Collector Notes


Status: Snowtrooper is a kit-bashed figure that utilizes the body of 2003's SW Snowtrooper (The Battle Of Hoth) ('03 #19) figure and the arms and legs from 1997's POTF2 Snowtrooper figure. This figure is named "Imperial Snowtrooper" on the included display stand.

Articulation Count: 6 points

Articulation Details: hinge-jointed head, 2 swivel shoulders, swivel waist, 2 swivel hips

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: BlasTech E-11 blaster pistol, removable backpack

Date Stamp: 2005

Assortment Number: 85931/85770

UPC: 653569117933

Retail: $6.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.


The Saga Collection Wave 2
General Veers (SAGA 007)
Major Bren Derlin (SAGA 008)
AT-AT Driver (SAGA 009)
R2-D2 (SAGA 010)
Snowtrooper (SAGA 011)
General Rieekan (SAGA 012)
Darth Vader (SAGA 013)
Power Droid (SAGA 014)

Added: March 25, 2011
Category: Saga Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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