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Real Action Heroes

Boba Fett (Return Of The Jedi Ver.) - Real Action Heroes

Name: Boba Fett (Return Of The Jedi Ver.)
Type: Real Action Heroes
Number: No. 517
Source: Return Of The Jedi
Released: January 2011
License: Medicom Toy

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A fearless enforcer, Boba Fett's distinctive armor strikes fear in the hearts of fugitives. He is a legendary bounty hunter, accepting warrants from both the Empire and the criminal underworld. He is all business, laconic, and deadly.

When Medicom Toy made the stunning Real Action Heroes Boba Fett one-sixth scaled figure based on his appearance from The Empire Strikes Back, we didn’t ever expect that they would be able to top it. Well, they did. And they topped it by revisiting Boba Fett again, but in a style as he appeared in Return Of The Jedi. Medicom has a knack for making extremely high quality figures. They are slightly under the standard one-sixth scale, but many of them blend in seamlessly with the 12" figures made by Sideshow Collectibles. Since Boba Fett is a little bit shorter than the average character, we think the RAH figure looks great in our Sideshow collection (but it is a tad too small). Not only did Medicom Toy update the fabrics and paint job to closely mirror the version of Fett we saw in Episode VI, they found a way to modify the articulation so that it retains poses better and allows the figure to move in much broader ranges of motion. It sometimes is unfortunate when a 12” figure has a ton of articulation that is only encumbered by clothing that is too tight or something else on the costuming blocking movement, but Medicom has averted this potential disaster on the second take and we think the new version of Boba Fett reigns supreme.

The most notable asset to Boba Fett (Return Of The Jedi Ver.) is the paint job. It’s jaw-dropping. Hasbro used a pallet with limitless color and gave Boba Fett an absolutely stunning deco. Opting for a very rugged and battle worn style, Boba Fett has the most believable realistic damage to his jetpack, helmet and chest armor and it is absolutely astounding. The colors are beautiful. Boba Fett has been gracefully decorated with primary and secondary colors. And despite the heavy use of bright reds, blues, yellows and greens, Boba Fett doesn’t come across as too flashy. The insignia on his chest and the bantha skull on his left shoulder armor piece have been silk-screened on the armor and are perfectly aligned. The jumpsuit is also correct as it is colored in the light gray that we identify him wearing in Episode VI. The rangefinder on the helmet is stiff and can hold a vast array of infinite angles thanks to great design and the finer details on the helmet are exquisitely replicated. Medicom Toy didn’t give the figure any slight angle in the front of the helmet, so we think Boba Fett looks ever so slightly flat-faced. But you have to remember that this is still a smaller scale and maybe this was a detail that got missed. (It still looks fantastic.)

The Wookiee scalps and cape are neatly tucked into place and his jetpack hangs closely to his body. Boba Fett has many pockets on his outfit and the two at the shins house some sharp tools that are obviously used for some sort of cutting (or injuring). The boots are perfectly painted (just like how the revised TVC Boba Fett (VC09) figure looks) with the black stripes in the center and tuck nicely under his pant legs. As a whole, Boba Fett looks amazing. Nothing is bulky or out of place. He retains a nice silhouette regardless of which position you choose for him and he can hold the included blaster rifle in an aimed position to reach his target beautifully. Again, we cannot comment enough on the stellar job Medicom Toy has done on the paint job. This is one of their finest pieces to date and it absolutely puzzles us why Medicom’s clone troopers look so bleak, oddly shaped, stiff and clean in comparison. It’s almost hard to believe that the same company that produced Boba Fett (Return Of The Jedi Ver.) has also done the Clone Trooper Commander (Attack Of The Clones Ver.). (It’s actually very perplexing. Not only are the paint jobs overtly simple, but the sculpts are inferior as well.) Boba Fett is probably the most popular bounty hunter. And it goes without saying that if you can afford this piece to pick it up. Stunning is strong enough to describe it.

Collector Notes

Boba Fett (Return Of The Jedi Ver.)

Status: Boba Fett (Return Of The Jedi Ver.) is a retool of 2007's RAH Boba Fett Real Action Heroes one-sixth scale figure. This time the figure comes with all-new gauntlets, a new belt and an all-new utility outfit. The figure has also been significantly repainted.

Articulation Count: 38 points

Articulation Details: swivel head (1), ball-jointed neck (2), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), swivel left bicep (1), swivel right bicep (1), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), ball-jointed left wrist (2), ball-jointed right wrist (2), ball-jointed torso (2), swivel waist (1), ball-jointed left hip (2), ball-jointed right hip (2), swivel left thigh (1), swivel right thigh (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), swivel left calf (1), swivel right calf (1), ball-jointed left ankle (2), ball-jointed right ankle (2), hinge-jointed left foot (1), hinge-jointed right foot (1)

Accessory Count: 14

Accessory Details: blaster rifle, interchangeable left hand, interchangeble right hand, 4 utility tools, removable jetpack rocket, display stand (6 parts)

Date Stamp: 2010

Retail: $149.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Real Action Heroes
All Products

Added: March 21, 2011
Category: Real Action Heroes
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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