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The Vintage Collection

Anakin Skywalker (Peasant Disguise) - TVC - Basic (VC32)

Name: Anakin Skywalker (Peasant Disguise)
Collection: The Vintage Collection
Number: VC32
Source: Attack Of The Clones
Availability: February 2011/January 2021
License: Hasbro

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One way Hasbro keeps us in check is when they finally update a previously released action figure, but with modern updating. It's usually only through an incredible all-new upgrade of an older figure do we finally appreciate how far the Star Wars line has come. Take, for instance, The Vintage Collection Anakin Skywalker (Peasant Disguise) figure. This version of Anakin Skywalker is the first figure in 2002's Star Wars "Saga" [Phase I] collection. This iteration of Anakin Skywalker must have struck a chord with Hasbro's Star Wars team since it was first on their minds in 2002. Unfortunately, the final release of the figure didn't go over well with collectors. Hasbro brought back an action feature that was popular in the vintage Kenner line, the telescoping lightsaber. But on a modern action figure, collectors might appreciate the novelty, but the execution fails. No collector wants to hide a lightsaber blade in an action figure's arm cavity anymore! But that's wasn't all that was wrong with Anakin Skywalker (Outland Peasant Disguise) ('02 #01). With minimal articulation and an imperfect likeness, its saving grace was the paint operations. We still feel that the 2002 version looks better in this regard. However, one thing Hasbro did right with the figure focused on its accessories. They included a nifty storage container to interact with the figure. Now, Hasbro re-released 2011's The Vintage Collection figure with much-needed updates, making it as definitive as possible. But was it a wise decision to repack this figure? It feels like an odd choice. If Hasbro plans to re-release the original The Vintage Collection lineup, they chose a strange way to do it. How did Anakin Skywalker (Peasant Disguise) reach the top of the list?

Anakin Skywalker (Peasant Disguise) wasn't 100% perfect when first released in 2011. However, a re-release a decade later is proving that the figure looks better than ever. Thanks to Photo Real, the action figure strikingly resembles actor Hayden Christensen now. And Hasbro reworked the soft-goods shawl, choosing a material that faithfully replicates the prop seen in Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones. The Vintage Collection Anakin Skywalker (Peasant Disguise) is as "excellent" as it is going to get now. We're going to go out on a limb and credit Hasbro with doing everything they could to get this figure up to modern standards. It looks great. The details Hasbro put into making the costume look authentic are quite impressive. While we have small issues with some of the decisions Hasbro made for the paint operations, Anakin Skywalker is still a noteworthy upgrade and deserving of your dollars once again. Anakin Skywalker (Peasant Disguise) no longer lacks in deco. Also, Hasbro changed the figure's hair color from brown to reddish-brown. It's a noticeable change, but you'll see differences in color throughout the rest of the figure as well. Although some of the highly-detailed paint operations didn't transfer over from the 2002 version to The Vintage Collection (especially the shirt), you're going to find the re-release more than acceptable. We should also point out that Anakin's head sculpt feels too large for the figure's body, but when the figure is wearing the soft-goods, that illusion goes away. We imagine Hasbro didn't want his head to "disappear" when surrounded by the large and bulky poncho. Perhaps it's the figure's slim body that is also interfering with how the eyes see it. Overall, while the figure has some lankiness, a fully accessorized figure proves that Hasbro intended to have this figure wearing all of its gear.

Anakin Skywalker is super-articulated. You can position the figure into almost any configuration you desire. The lack of ball-jointed hips won't give you the total flexibility to help you achieve various poses, but there is plenty of movement here, regardless. Anakin Skywalker (Peasant Disguise) comes with a lightsaber, a separate lightsaber hilt that attaches to the figure's side via a port, and a gorgeous shawl. The 2011 version comes with a shawl (or poncho) with a texture similar to rugged burlap or canvas. But the 2021 re-release has a texture more similar to soft nylon. The soft-goods now look authentic and greatly assist with the figure's screen-accuracy. Hasbro expertly tailored pleats into the shawl, which allows it to hang with an unbelievably realistic drape. It also hangs off of the figure's shoulders naturally. The shawl/cape, interestingly, has been installed backward on the figure on the 2011 release. The v-neck is on the back of the figure. You can quickly correct this issue by turning it around. Coincidentally the 2021 version comes installed correctly. Both versions of the figure look pretty good no matter how you have the figure wear the soft-goods. When fully assembled, Anakin Skywalker (Peasant Disguise) looks terrific, almost as if the figure jumped out of Episode II and into your hands. Hasbro did a phenomenal job of getting all of the necessary details right this time. We believe you'll be impressed with the improvements. Overall, Anakin Skywalker (Peasant Disguise) grabs our attention and is a fine figure for a premium collectors' line. And the figure looks incredible next to the Padmé Amidala (Peasant Disguise) (VC33) figure. If you're looking to update your 2002 figure, hold onto the accessories to put with this figure. Thank goodness accessories don't age as poorly as the action figures do!

Editor's Note: Hasbro re-released The Vintage Collection Anakin Skywalker (Peasant Disguise) (VC32) figure in January 2021 with a significant number of changes. Updates include: (1) "photorealistic" deco, (2) completely new soft-goods shawl with new drape, (3) revised paint operations throughout figure's body (4) revised hair color (5) refreshed 2021 packaging with different graphics (6) different placement of accessories in bubble

Review Status Update: The original publication date of this review is February 22, 2011. It was subsequently updated with a new Photo Gallery and revised General Analysis and republished on January 24, 2021 after Hasbro reissued the figure.

Collector Notes

Anakin Skywalker (Peasant Disguise)

Status: Anakin Skywalker (Peasant Disguise) is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 22 points (14 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), ball-jointed shoulders left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed iright elbow (2), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), swivel waist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed left ankle (2), ball-jointed right ankle (2)

Accessory Count: 3

Accessory Details: lightsaber, lightsaber hilt, soft-goods shawl

Date Stamp: 2010

Packaging Details:

Version 1: Attack Of The Clones

Name: Anakin Skywalker (Peasant Disguise)

Year: 2011

Assortment Number: 24991/97568

UPC: 653569545859

Retail: $8.99 USD

Details: Initial release

Version 2: Attack Of The Clones

Name: Anakin Skywalker (Peasant Disguise)

Year: 2021

Assortment Number: F1884/E7763

UPC: 5010993813308

Retail: $12.99 USD

Details: Reissue (figure and card updated)

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Anakin Skywalker (Peasant Disguise)

The Vintage Collection Wave 4

Kit Fisto (VC29)

Zam Wesell (VC30)

Obi-Wan Kenobi (VC31)

Anakin Skywalker (Peasant Disguise) (VC32)

Padmé Amidala (Peasant Disguise) (VC33)

Jango Fett (VC34)

Mace Windu (VC35)

Senate Guard (VC36)

Super Battle Droid (VC37)

Added: February 22, 2011
Category: Vintage Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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