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The Vintage Collection

Boba Fett - TVC - Basic (VCP03)

Name: Boba Fett
Collection: The Vintage Collection
Number: VCP03 (Mail-Away Exclusive)
Source: Expanded Universe (Vintage Kenner Action Figure)
Availability: September 2010
License: Hasbro

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He's here at last! After 30 years, the Boba Fett figure with the rocket-firing backpack has reached this galaxy! The story of this mail away figure is well known among Star Wars fans, and we're here to deliver the goods. This figure is a re-creation of the original Boba Fett figure, with the addition of that all-important rocket-firing feature. Good things really do come to those who wait – and the wait is officially over! Enjoy!

Wow! The "Rocket-Firing" Boba Fett has arrived from the awesome The Vintage Collection, and we believe it will be one of the warmest receptions an action figure has ever received by most if not all, collectors. One of the best mail-away figures in all the modern line, we can't believe Hasbro has shown us big love, by promoting this nostalgic value for such a big bunch of whiners. (Don't be offended, we are saying this with a smile.) While we can expect Boba Fett to be everything it is and more, collectors will likely be surprised to learn that it is an all-new sculpt. Whether or not Hasbro made a cast of an original vintage figure and tweaked it or digitally scanned it and added their modern spin to it, it is a fact that this mail-way figure has new features different from its ancestor. If you have sent off for one or more of these babies, you're in for a real treat. We finally have that coveted piece of history in our collections, something Hasbro calls the Holy Grail. It will become and remain one of the most favorite pieces in our collection. Even though this new Boba Fett differs from the vintage version, Hasbro has faithfully replicated all the sculpting details and paint jobs. If this figure blew by your eyes somewhat quickly, we would wager that you couldn't tell them apart. Like the original vintage figure, Boba Fett is top-heavy and falls backward even more rapidly with his enhanced rocket-firing feature. (But we are confident most of us will bite this bullet since we have wanted this figure for so long.)

There are many differences between the mail-away figure and the vintage figure. The mail-away Boba Fett has a taller and broader helmet. Hasbro has given the rocket-firing figure a thicker brim above the visor (which makes the figure look a lot bigger). It's pretty mesmerizing that Hasbro is perfecting the vintage mold with a "vintage" interpretation of the exact figure. The chest armor is a bit boxier, and the centered armor piece is wider than the 1979 figure. Even the arms and legs, while they look identical to the vintage figure, have unique differences. The differences continue throughout the rest of the figure (like the dot on the knife in the left shin pocket - one is convex, and one is concave). It is interesting to see all the differences, similar to those puzzles we all played with as kids. The paint jobs between the figures vary in spots (some more than others), but from what we recall during our "vintage lessons," Kenner painted the classic Boba Fett figure in multiple color schemes. Another exciting aspect when comparing the two figures against each other is that the mail-away Boba Fett is significantly taller. And while the figure is more towering, the gun is smaller and much more rubbery! But you should have expected a modern weapon to pale in comparison to a classic gun, right? The packaging is breathtaking (of course) and mainly differs from the Boba Fett (VC09) figure because the figure comes packaged on a classic Star Wars card. (For that keeping track, that means we now have Boba Fett packaged on a Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return Of The Jedi card back in the modern era of collecting. This is pretty sweet, no?)

But what about that rocket-firing feature? Wow (again)! Hasbro decided to design Boba Fett with the "L-shaped" slot that enables the missile "firing" novelty feature. The projectile is, unfortunately, the standard three inches long (since there are new toy standards in effect in this day and age), but it still looks fabulous on Boba Fett. Thankfully, Hasbro has also given us a separate "non-firing" rocket tip that sits on top of the backpack, and we must say that we are thoroughly impressed with this option more than the actual "firing" one. (Blasphemy!) This figure is an excellent addition to Hasbro's long line of modern Star Wars toys, and we honestly couldn't think of a better way to celebrate 30 years of The Empire Strikes Back than in this manner. An addition to the basic figure like this is the ideal and consummate collectible to own, and if you don't, well, you are sorely missing out on something special. To get one of these gems into your collections, all you need to do is get an order form from any of The Vintage Collection basic figures that have a call-out sticker for this promotion filled out, five proofs of purchases from almost any recently available basic figure from 2008 onward and a check or money order for $6.99 to cover shipping costs. (Assortments 87535, 87995, 21115, 87638, 94736, and 97868 are all eligible.) Trust us; getting your request mailed out is worth the time, energy, and money. But quickly act on this promotion because requests must be postmarked by April 30, 2011, and received in Bozeman, MT, by May 8, 2011. You have your fair warning! [Rocket-Firing] Boba Fett is a figure not to be without because it is one of the best things Hasbro has ever done for us. Enjoy our gallery for now, but get yours as soon as possible. You won't have any regrets.

Collector Notes

Boba Fett

Status: Boba Fett is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 5 points (5 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)

Accessory Count: 3

Accessory Details: blaster, removable short rocket (for aesthetics), rocket projectile (for action feature)

Date Stamp: 2009

Assortment Number: 97917

UPC: 653569513353

Retail: $6.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Boba Fett

The Vintage Collection Wave 1

Dengar (VC01)

Princess Leia Organa (Hoth) [Leia (Hoth Outfit)] (VC02)

Han Solo (Echo Base [Echo Base Outfit]) (VC03)

Luke Skywalker (Bespin [Bespin Fatigues]) (VC04)

AT-AT Commander (VC05)

See-Threepio (C-3PO) (VC06)

Dack Ralter (VC07)

Darth Vader (VC08)

Boba Fett (VC09)

4-LOM (VC10)

(Twin Pod) Cloud Car Pilot (VC11)

The Vintage Collection Wave 2

Darth Sidious (VC12)

Darth Vader [Anakin Skywalker] (VC13)

Sandtrooper (VC14)

Clone Trooper (VC15)

Obi-Wan Kenobi (VC16)

General Grievous (VC17)

MagnaGuard (VC18)

Clone Commander Cody (VC19)

Added: September 14, 2010
Category: Vintage Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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