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The Vintage Collection

Ahsoka Tano & Grogu - TVC - Deluxe

Name: Ahsoka Tano & Grogu
Collection: The Vintage Collection
Number: N/A (Walmart Exclusive)
Source: The Mandalorian
Availability: May 2022
License: Hasbro

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It’s lovely to get new accessories to pair with the figures in The Vintage Collection. But when the basic figure arrives a few short weeks before the exclusive version, it makes collectors wonder if Hasbro is screwing around with us. Why did we have to buy a single-carded Ashoka Tano (Corvus) (VC222) figure when they had plans to release the exact figure with MORE STUFF as a Walmart exclusive in different packaging? It’s their way of amortizing the expensive budget of all-new tooling, and they pass that expense onto the collecting community. But once you get past the aggravation of feeling like Hasbro has sold you a bridge, you’ll discover that the “deluxe” version of this all-new Ahsoka Tano figure is a worthwhile addition to the line. We recommend passing on the basic carded version if you don’t care about having all of the numbered figures. This one is immeasurably better. For this release, Ahsoka Tano comes with an all-new version of Grogu and several all-new accessories specially designed for both characters in this two-pack. Hasbro mimicked creating a packaging style similar to the Kmart exclusive Special Action Figures Sets from The Vintage Collection’s original run but with changes.

We’ve already raved that this version of Ahsoka Tano is the best figure of 2022. It makes sense why Hasbro wants to take advantage of this tooling and get it out in as many ways as possible. This time, Hasbro included a soft-goods cloak, a lantern, and a bird (which we believe was first seen in The Clone Wars) that looks a lot like an owl in our world. Hasbro also decided to include the lightsaber and shoto from the carded release to include here as well. There are also two “playthings” for Grogu in this set. These ball-like things come on a separate clear stand to make it look like Grogu is hovering them with the Force. There is some value for the dollar in this multipack, but we still feel that it is a tad overpriced. They could have included a few more things to give collectors satisfaction. But some collectors may feel Hasbro did enough here. Hasbro designed the bird so that it can perch itself in two ways. You can place the bird on Ahsoka’s forearm or put it on the lantern’s handle. We love the flexibility Hasbro added to this simple accessory. It’s beautifully colored and has realistic eyes. It’s about the same size as Grogu and probably uses the same amount of plastic.

As you know, Hasbro worked in an astounding 30 points of articulation into Ahsoka Tano, and they did a fantastic job hiding many of the figure’s joints, especially in the knees. The technology afforded them is doing wonders for the figures. They are capable of producing brilliant figures in this scale! The paint operations on Ahsoka Tano are especially impressive. We can’t recall a better example of Ahsoka Tano with cleaner lines and natural color tones than this release. We’re pretty impressed with what Hasbro accomplished here. If you take note of the deco on the horns, you’ll notice they’ve never looked better. Hasbro got a little artistic with the pattern this time around. We’re still bummed they omitted the hilts with this release, but the fully lit lightsabers look excellent. For reasons unknown, Hasbro made the blades transparent. They don’t have the slightest white tone, so these aren’t screen-accurate. You can pose Ahsoka Tano with Grogu in meaningful ways. You can have Ahsoka hold Grogu. Or you can have Ahsoka babysit The Child as you wish too. Whatever you decide, we can’t fault Hasbro for creating this “deluxe” character interpretation. But a decade ago, these accessories would have been included with the basic carded version of the figure.

Collector Notes

Ahsoka Tano & Grogu

Assortment Number: F5576

UPC: 5010993964970

Retail: $27.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Ahsoka Tano

Status: Ahsoka Tano is a straight repack of 2022's TVC Ahsoka Tano (Corvus) (VC222) figure. This time the figure comes with new accessories.

Articulation Count: 26 points (17 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), reverse ball-socket neck (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), ball-jointed torso (2), ball-socket left hip (1), ball-socket right hip (1), swivel left thigh (1), swivel right thigh (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed/"rocker" left ankle (2), ball-jointed/"rocker" right ankle (2)

Accessory Count: 5

Accessory Details: lightsaber, shoto, removable soft-goods cloak, lantern, bird

Date Stamp: N/A


Status: Grogu is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 1 points (1 area of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1)

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: toy A, toy B

Date Stamp: N/A

The Vintage Collection

All Products

Added: May 27, 2022
Category: Vintage Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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