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The Black Series [Phase IV]

Tech - TBS [P4] - Six Inch Figures (TBB04)

Name: Tech
Collection: The Black Series [Phase IV]
Number: TBB04
Scale: 6"
Source: The Bad Batch
Availability: September 2021
License: Hasbro

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Tech is the computer and weapons specialist, the most talkative of the group. His genetically enhanced brain can puzzle through technical issues at speeds even faster than some droids.

Is there a better way to draw confusion to what character you’re talking about when its name is Tech? Apparently, a generic description is alright for characters in The Bad Batch Disney+ series. Tech is the nickname of the clone commando, who is a member of Clone Force 99. After going through a series of genetic mutations, it resulted in a younger and leaner appearance when compared to other clones in the Grand Army of the Republic. Tech was the resident intelligence of the Clone Force 99 squad, and his peers revered him for his ability to pick up the latest technology and usefully integrate it into their daily needs. Equal in combat skill to the other members in his squad, Tech served side by side with them in the many battles they engaged. Echo, Crosshair, Hunter, Wrecker, and Tech were an impressive team of clone specialists. Their antics and daily interactions made their tenure in the Grand Army of the Republic an enjoyable one. And thanks to Hasbro, we almost have all of the five members of Clone Force 99 in The Black Series [Phase IV] line. As of Tech’s release, we only need a “The Bad Batch” version of Echo to complete the squad.

Admittedly, Tech is one of the most enjoyable action figures in The Black Series [Phase IV] line. The character is reminiscent of the Republic Trooper (The Old Republic) (VC113) figure from The Vintage Collection. It also borrows from other clone specialists we’ve seen in The Clone Wars television show, like the Jungle Camo ARF Trooper (CW24) figure, and others. Tech is also one of the few figures in the 6-inch line loaded with multiple accessories. The figure comes with a removable helmet that is perfectly scaled to fit over the head. It also has an articulated visor which gives the figure additional posing options. You also get a DC-17 blaster pistol, but there is no holster to hold it when not in use. Hasbro then designed three removable tools, which you store into the figure’s belt, where each device has a special place to hang. We’re impressed with the attention to detail Hasbro worked into this action figure. If you’re a fan of The Bad Batch and The Black Series 6-inch line, you’re going to love the Tech action figure. Hasbro should be proud of the final product they produced here. We’re impressed, so we anticipate most everyone else will be too.

Tech comes with an excellent paint job. The portrait doesn’t look too much like the on-screen character. The character from The Bad Batch is seemingly younger and has thinner features. And we often see Tech wearing glasses with yellow lenses, and this action figure doesn’t come with them. They seem to be a signature part of the figure’s character, and we’re not sure why Hasbro excluded them. Other than this detail, Hasbro did an excellent job on both the tooling and deco of Tech. The figure comes with an astounding amount of articulation, and you can achieve a wealth of poses thanks to this. We understand that Tech’s role is quite different from the other squad members, but it would have been wonderful to see more weaponry added with the action figure. Perhaps Hasbro felt that including three “technical” tools made up for the lack of blasters. Once Hasbro produced a new version of Echo as the character appeared in The Bad Batch, we will then have the whole team in the 6-inch action figure line. But Hasbro hasn’t begun to introduce any of them into The Vintage Collection, unfortunately.

Collector Notes


Status: Tech is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 30 points (19 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), reverse ball-socket neck (1), swivel "butterfly" left shoulder (1), swivel "butterfly" right shoulder (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), ball-jointed left wrist (2), ball-jointed right wrist (2), ball-jointed torso (2), ball-socket left hip (1), ball-socket right hip (1), swivel left thigh (1), swivel right thigh (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed/"rocker" left ankle (2), ball-jointed/"rocker" right ankle (2)

Accessory Count: 6

Accessory Details: removable helmet (with articulated visor), removable backpack, grapser, welder, astromech unit antenna, DC-17 blaster

Date Stamp: N/A

Assortment Number: F1864/E8908

UPC: 5010993828005

Retail: $24.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

The Black Series [Phase IV] Wave 5

Aurra Sing (TCW08)

General Lando Calrissian (ROTJ07)

Koska Reeves (TM12)

Q9-0 (Zero) (TM11)

Tech (TBB04)

Added: October 8, 2021
Category: Black Series [Phase IV], The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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