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The Black Series [Credit Collection]

Mandalorian, The - TBS [CC] - Six Inch Figures (Exclusive)

Name: The Mandalorian
Collection: The Black Series [Credit Collection]
Number: N/A (Amazon Exclusive)
Scale: 6"
Source: The Mandalorian
Availability: November 2020
License: Hasbro

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This distinctive collection features premium deco applications inspired by the end credit images from The Mandalorian, plus a collectible Imperial Credit accessory. After the fall of the Galactic Empire, usage of their form of money, Imperial Credits, became less common with many planets refusing payments in the currency on principle.

We’re going to be straight shooters here. Hasbro was in NO WAY prepared for the runaway success of The Mandalorian Disney+ series. And from a marketing perspective, they’ve failed. It’s not all their fault. Look at all of the other lines they were “forced” to produce for Disney that blew up in their faces. Forces Of Destiny, Star Wars Resistance, and Star Wars [The Last Jedi] are all toy lines that were utter and complete failures. With a cast of uninteresting characters and poor storylines, there was little engagement, and absolutely no collectors available to buy the toys Hasbro made. So, in Hasbro’s defense, they were a bit apprehensive about diving headfirst into The Mandalorian series. With a lack of strong male characters in Disney Star Wars Entertainment, Lucasfilm made a sharp turn with The Mandalorian, focusing the series on a strong male lead. And they continued this greatness with a strong female and other characters that called back to the Original Trilogy. The show is exploding, and it’s understandable why. However, it seems that with Hasbro’s movement forward producing Star Wars toys that The Mandalorian will be front and center, and fans of the show and Star Wars collectors will have many more toys made for them from the show. To help ameliorate the lack of toys for The Mandalorian, Hasbro developed a couple of gimmicky lines like the “Carbonized” figures, and now the “Credit Collection” figures.

The Black Series [Credit Collection] sub-line is reminiscent of the Ralph McQuarrie Signature Series figures from the 30 (77-07) lineup, and even some of the Comic Packs characters from the same line. This time, Hasbro bases the most popular characters from The Mandalorian on their concept art that runs during each episode’s credits, hence the double-meaning “Credit Collection” line name. At first, we weren’t sure what to make of the sub-line, but now we’ve fallen head over heels for them. Limited in run, Hasbro doesn’t have many action figures available for The Mandalorian yet. Hence, as they make more, we may see other characters released in this commemorative sub-line too. For us, The Mandalorian figure in The Black Series [Credit Collection] line is our most-favorite. Look at this action figure carefully from top to bottom, and then tell us how it isn’t reminiscent of the vintage Kenner Boba Fett or the Boba Fett from The Star Wars Holiday Special. This action figure is stunningly beautiful, colorful and captures the “making of” spirit of the character gorgeously. While nothing more than a repaint of 2019’s TBS [P3] The Mandalorian (94) figure, the new paint operations help everyone o appreciate more the work involved to produce these works of art for Star Wars collectors. Oh, and Hasbro added an exclusive accessory here, an Imperial credit (colored a pearly yellow), to keep the “credit” theme running strong in this sub-line.

For apparent reasons, The Mandalorian has strong ties to Boba Fett, but this particular version feels strongly connected to Boba Fett as previously described. There is an overall militaristic theme in The Mandalorian’s style and design. Suppose you think of all of the fantastic Mandalorians we received as action figures in Hasbro’s long line, from the Comic Packs to the exclusive multipacks. In that case, you’ll find that The Mandalorian action figure has many similarities to those now-classic action figures. Hasbro decorated the “Credit Collection” The Mandalorian 6” figure artfully with many colors, including reddish-oranges, steely blues, light browns, pearly yellows, and bright aquas. Hasbro also utilized the enhanced articulation approach with this action figure, including the “butterfly” shoulder joints. They’re a bit difficult to use thanks to the upper body’s bulkier design, but they’re there and function well enough to be useful for collectors. The rest of the figure’s articulation moves incredibly well too. For accessories, Hasbro included a ray staff and a blaster pistol, both of which they repainted as well. And then Hasbro gave The Mandalorian a solid green cape, and we have to be honest with you, it’s one of the things that help this figure to “pop” in your collection. This figure is exclusive to Amazon and has an MSRP of $24.99. We suppose this is the going rate for exclusive action figures now.

Collector Notes

The Mandalorian

Status: The Mandalrian is a repaint of 2019's TBS [P3] The Mandalorian (94) figure. This time the figure has received a "concept art" styled paint job.

Articulation Count: 30 points (19 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), hinge-jointed neck (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), swivel "butterfly left shoulder (1), swivel "butterfly right shoulder (1), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), ball-jointed left wrist (2), ball-jointed right wrist (2), ball-jointed torso (2), ball-socket left hip (1), ball-socket right hip (1), swivel left thigh (1), swivel right thigh (1), double hinge-jointed left knee (2), double hinge-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed/"rocker" left ankle (2), ball-jointed/"rocker" right ankle (2)

Accessory Count: 3

Accessory Details: ray staff, blaster pistol, cape

Date Stamp: N/A

Assortment Number: F1183

UPC: 5010993772896

Retail: $24.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

The Black Series [Credit Collection] Wave 1

Cara Dune (Target)

Heavy Infantry Mandalorian (Best Buy)

IG-11 (GameStop)

Imperial Death Trooper (Amazon)

The Mandalorian (Amazon)

The Black Series [Credit Collection] Wave 2

The Armorer (GameStop)

Greef Karga (Fan Channel)

Kuiil (Amazon)

The Mandalorian [Beskar] (Amazon)

Moff Gideon (Best Buy)

Added: December 3, 2020
Category: Black Series [Credit Collection], The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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