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The Power Of The Force “2” [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection]

Darth Vader - POTF2 [FF/TKC] - Basic

Name: Darth Vader
Collection: The Power Of The Force "2" [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection]
Number: N/A
Source: The Empire Strikes Back
Availability: March 1998
License: Hasbro

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After seizing the Rebel Blockade Runner, Darth Vader interrogates Princess Leia but obtains no information: "You're a part of the Rebel Alliance... and a traitor. Take her away!"

One figure that didn’t make too much sense to re-release in the Freeze Frame Action Slide line was the first modern Darth Vader figure. Of course, Darth Vader is the most popular Star Wars character, so Hasbro probably felt compelled to have another action figure version in the line. Although they source this figure to Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Darth Vader’s costume proves that the figure is based on Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. You’ll have to look at the robes to understand why this is so. Despite wanting to get multiple versions of Darth Vader into the basic figure line, Darth Vader hasn’t aged well in the few short years in made its debut in the modern Star Wats toy line to the 1998 The Power Of The Force “2” [Freeze Frame/The Kenner Collection] lineup. The figure is too short, too bulky, too disproportionate, and doesn’t have a faithful likeness to the on-screen character. Likely, the only part of Darth Vader’s re-release that will interest collectors is the pack-in premium here: the Freeze Frame Action Slide. Based on the unforgettable scene of Princess Leia Organa’s capture aboard the Rebel Blockade Runner, Darth Vader is seen pointing his finger in judgment to the beloved heroine.

If you think about it, what Star Wars collection would be complete without Darth Vader in it? Although they produced an all-new version of Darth Vader based on Return Of The Jedi in this lineup, getting a different style of the character is equally important. We only wish that Kenner/Hasbro tooled an all-new figure instead. In 1995, when Darth Vader was originally released in the first wave of modern Star Wars action figures, it was one of eight new that arrived to store shelves in July to the immediate positive reception of collectors. Interestingly, nine action figures were planned, but C-3PO was delayed because of production problems. We all knew that these figures didn’t necessarily imitate their onscreen counterparts too well, but it was so exciting to see new Star Wars figures hanging from the pegs that it trumped all the negativity that seemed to plague the line right from the start. Darth Vader, perhaps unbeknownst to many, had one issue that the other figures that made up the case assortment did not. It was sourced to the wrong film. Hasbro still hasn’t corrected the problem. Again, the re-release of Darth Vader feels like a wasted slot here, but the pack-in premium is interesting enough to warrant a repurchase of it.

Although the card back artwork and bio description source Darth Vader from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (for the second time), collectors likely won’t mind. But for those who are interested, we’ll explain what sets the Episode IV and Episode V Darth Vader costumes apart from one another. There are two major details different in the Episode V costume. Firstly, the chest box has a blue switch. The costume from A New Hope had a green switch instead of a blue one. Secondly, and most obviously, the inner robes go over the chest armor for the costume worn in A New Hope. For the rest of the Original Trilogy, the inner robes went underneath the chest armor instead. Again, Kenner/Hasbro wasn’t preoccupied with such details when restarting this line, so it is understandable why things like this could be overlooked. Darth Vader comes with two accessories. The first is a rigid and sturdy plastic cape that doesn’t change its shape or drape. Sadly, the slightest bit of articulation may inhibit the ability of the cape to lay flatly against the figure. Darth Vader also comes with his signature red lightsaber. You don’t have to worry about getting an extra-long lightsaber blade in the 1998 case assortments. They rectified that issue.

Collector Notes

Darth Vader

Status: Darth Vader is a straight repack of 1995's POTF2 [R/G] Darth Vader figure.

Articulation Count: 6 points (6 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel waist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: removable cape, lightaber

Date Stamp: 1995

Collection: 3

Freeze Frame Details: Interrogation of the Princess of Alderaan.

Assortment Number: 69705/69802

UPC: 076281695723

Retail: $4.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

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