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The Vintage Collection

AT-ST Raider - TVC - Vehicles (Exclusive)

Name: AT-ST Raider
Collection: The Vintage Collection
Number: N/A (Best Buy Exclusive)
Source: The Mandalorian
Availability: November 2019
License: Hasbro

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The best way to describe the AT-ST Raider would be to say it has a very nice pack-in figure with it. And if we distilled out thoughts about the vehicle that way, you might be led to believe that the vehicle is a disappointment. Well, from a certain point of view, the AT-ST Raider is terrible. And from another point of view, it’s a beautiful addition to the line. So how does one properly rank something that is dancing o both sides of these spectrums? Once again, it might be best to focus on the overtly positive aspects of this Best Buy exclusive first. The Klatooinian Raider is an incredibly clever reuse of a previously existing Star Wars figure. Still, Hasbro did a fantastic job hiding what collectors might recognize as reused that it truly feels like an all-new action figure. No matter your take on it, you’re going to want to immediately utilize the Klatooinian Raider in your Jabba’s palace or Jabba’s Sail Barge (The Khetanna) displays. He looks and feels like one of Jabba’s retinue during the Battle of Carkoon. And the figure looks so incredible that it makes us pine for more skiff guards in The Vintage Collection line. Hasbro took the gorgeous 2012 TVC Weequay (VC107) figure, gave it an all-new portrait and cod section, added a new armor overlay, a new helmet and called it a day. After completely repainting the figure, the original figure is no longer visible, and instead, we have what feels like an all-new release. Sadly, he has a molded gun permanently stuck to his chest, but if you can overlook it, it’s a beautifully designed figure. Still, this is a premium line. And molded weapons are a huge negative for most collectors.

We don’t know much about The Mandalorian yet, but it appears that Best Buy is Hasbro’s retailer of choice to promote the products. Best Buy received some excellent exclusives from Hasbro this year. The Vintage Collection AT-ST Raider is stunningly packaged in vintage Kenner packaging. Hasbro had to create a new logo in “red” to place on the packaging to sport The Mandalorian logo. They did their best, but then it’s too long (by nature of the spelling of the title), and it makes us wish that the words “Expanded Universe” weren’t taboo to Disney Star Wars and that we could still house everything outside of the films under that banner. Times have changed indeed. Regardless, the AT-ST Raider succeeds greatly with its deco. We’re hard-pressed to find a better-looking vehicle in The Vintage Collection line that works in mixed media to breathe life into it. Hasbro utilized scraps of fabric from premium soft goods with an elastic band that hug some of the joints of the AT-ST Raider’s legs. There is a pattern on them which we’re going to assume is for camouflage purposes, but it looks beautiful, and we’re happy to see it implemented here. Hasbro also added a cargo net that hangs from one of the AT-ST Raider’s legs. We’re not sure of its purpose yet, but admittedly it brings back strong connections to the Battle of Endor from Star Wars Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi. We hope we see something similar in The Mandalorian. The paint operations throughout the vehicle are quite astonishing. We don’t recall seeing this level of deco in the 3.75” line in quite some time.

So, with all of this great news, what could be wrong with the AT-ST Raider? Well, Hasbro utilized the same AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Walker) from the 2009 Legacy Collection TARGET exclusive. Although nearly unrecognizable from drastically different paint operations, the AT-ST Raider is identical to all of the AT-ST vehicle that utilizes the original 2009 tooling. The joints are weak, are resistant to stay in place, and posing the vehicle in various ways becomes increasingly difficult as you continue to move the joints to find a desired posed. Why can’t Hasbro find ways to fix the defects of their vehicles. The AT-ST Raider is gorgeous. But it should be functional as well. And to add insult to injury, the AT-ST Raider has an MSRP set at $79.99. The smartest thing Hasbro could have done was to include a super-articulated pack-in figure that’s new to the line (or never before offered even if it reuses older parts). The Klatooinian Raider is the saving grace for this vehicle. And we find that to be a shame and very upsetting. If you’re patient, you can position the AT-ST Raider is some exciting ways. The design of the toy is bizarre. The legs shoot away from the cockpit of the vehicle, and the pieces that articulate this are wobbly and loose. And they don’t do a great job at keeping the AT-ST Raider “together.” If you’re a fan of The Vintage Collection, we will encourage you to support this vehicle. You’re going to love the pack-in figure. Still, we understand if you’re not interested in giving the same flawed vehicle another chance. Otherwise, if you do the same thing over and over again without different results, it’s insanity.

Collector Notes

AT-ST Raider

Assortment Number: E6997

UPC: 630509870653

Retail: $79.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

AT-ST Raider

Status: AT-ST Raider is a rework of 2009's LC AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Transport) Walmart exclusive vehicle. This time the vehicle has been completely repainted and comes with all-new soft-goods ornamentations.

Features Count: 4

Feature Details: includes figure, articulated legs, opening hatch, opening canopy

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: cargo net

Date Stamp: N/A

Klatooinian Raider

Status: Klatooinian Raider is a kit-bashed, retooled and repainted figure that utilizes the body of 2012's TVC Weequay (VC107) figure with an all-new head sculpt and new cod section. The figure has also been given a new removable molded armor overlay, and a new helmet.

Articulation Count: 22 points (14 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), swivel waist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1), ball-jointed left knee (2), ball-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed left ankle (2), ball-jointed right ankle (2)

Accessory Count: 3

Accessory Details: removable armor overlay, removable helmet, skiff guard blaster

Date Stamp: N/A

The Vintage Collection

All Products

Added: November 2, 2019
Category: Vintage Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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