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Name: MSE-1T
Collection: The Original Trilogy Collection
Number: N/A
Source: Star Tours
Availability: July 2005
License: Hasbro
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Whenever your plans call for intergalactic transport, call on Star Tours for state-of-the-art travel excitement! Tour the galaxy aboard the STARSPEEDER 3000, the most advanced transport vessel of its kind, and experience the expertise of the sector's newest and most reliable droid pilots!
Look for more great STAR TOURS toys from Hasbro!
The STAR TOURS line of unique droid action figures ends with The Original Trilogy Collection which includes the fourth wave, or fourth collection of STAR TOURS figures released in 3.75” scale. It’s quite a feat that Hasbro released four waves of STAR TOURS action figures across three line looks. Exclusively created for Disney Parks, the line gave us some of the most interesting characters the Star Wars saga has ever seen. By 2005, the Hasbro Star Wars line transitioned into The Original Trilogy Collection, and as the line wrapped up with a transitional wave of figures before the launch of the Revenge Of The Sith line, Hasbro also packaged these three final STAR TOURS Disney exclusive figures in the same type of packaging. The Original Trilogy Collection STAR TOURS didn’t possess the notoriety of previous releases, and because not everyone knew about them, they commanded a premium on the aftermarket almost instantly. Although introduced back in 1987, figures like MSE-1T saw its first action figure interpretation in the STAR TOURS line almost two decades later of the character’s introduction. MSE-1T is one of two MSE-series droids that lived in Star Tours' Tomorrowland Starport. Both droids made their way around a track, with one of the two in disrepair at one point.
With so many STAR TOURS droids produced for the line to date, many Star Wars collectors felt that The Original Trilogy Collection STAR TOURS figures were scraping the bottom of the barrel. But even fans critical of this felt the designs were good enough for the characters presented in this collection. Very few could criticize the action figures based on their final production figures. Having already produced the main cast of droids from the STAR TOURS attraction, Hasbro looked a little more deeply into the remaining characters and pulled some of the deeply situated background droids which finished up the fourth and final wave of figures, including MSE-1T. MSE-1T is the only STAR TOURS action figure to date that comes without any articulation. A different style of Mouse Droid, MSE-1T has a beautiful snail-like shape and a silvery body accented with red and green lights. It also has red photoreceptors. Ultimately, a figure without any articulation functions more like a prop or accessory, and that’s probably the best way to describe MSE-1T. The figure has a great amount of detail on the body and its underside, but the figure still slides easily across many surfaces to recreate its rolling action. MSE-1T doesn’t give collectors an incredible amount of versatility, but there is enough detail here to keep things interesting.
We’ve mentioned that MSE-1T has a beautiful paint job. It has an animal-like frame to it, but it also looks very much like an old school vacuum cleaner. Mostly silver, the contour of its body is textured and curvy and gives the droid a unique shape. Cast in a light silvery gray color, this STAR TOURS figure also has other details which sharpen the details etched into the sculpt as well as provide textures that feel more brought out by color. This droid has traits that help shape the attitude and temperament of this droid, even if we don’t know much about it. When Hasbro goes above and beyond with an action figure’s deco, it makes the finished figure look like a small masterpiece. MSE-1T doesn’t have any writing in Arabic on its body. That seems to be a rarity in this line (to not have it). Like most “last waves,” The Original Trilogy Collection STAR TOURS wave came and went without much fanfare. MSE-1Tpossesses quite a bit of personality, and most of it is found in its “eyes.” We’re certain collectors will thoroughly enjoy this action figure. As a set, all three The Original Trilogy Collection STAR TOURS figures possess a camaraderie among each other and they’re all similarly colored. We think the scales are a bit off from one droid to the next, but they look great in a group regardless.
Status: MSE-1T is an all-new figure.
Articulation Count: TBD
Articulation Details: TBD
Accessory Count: None
Accessory Details: None
Date Stamp: 2004
Collection: 1
Assortment Number: 10261
UPC: 076930102619
Retail: $9.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.
The Original Trilogy Collection STAR TOURS |
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