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Star Wars [Resistance]

First Order Stormtrooper - SW [R] - Basic

Name: First Order Stormtrooper
Collection: Star Wars [Resistance]
Number: N/A
Source: Resistance
Availability: January 2019
License: Hasbro

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Equipped with sleek armor and powerful weapons, the Stormtroopers of the First Order continue the legacy of the soldiers of the Galactic Empire.

The weakest figure in the first wave of Hasbro’s Star Wars [Resistance] line is the First Order Stormtrooper. It probably has more to do with the fatigue we feel over the character than the action figure itself. But if we’re looking solely at the action figure, we don’t think that Hasbro executed all that they should have to make this figure the best figure it could have been. For starters, Hasbro tooled the figure with a very odd pose. The First Order Stormtrooper stands with one foot in front of him. This style of pose not only affects the aesthetics of the figure, but it also impedes its ability to stand without issue. For example, the First Order Stormtrooper has a weak center of gravity and falls over easily thanks to uneven footing. Unless you have both soles of his feet flat on the surface in which you’re posing him, the action figure will likely topple to the ground. The rest of the figure is sculpted nicely, however. And the inclusion of swivel wrists add some extra quality to the figure, although it’s essentially useless because the rest of the figure lacks the rest of its necessary articulation.

The sculpt is alright. Keeping in mind that the First Order Stormtrooper is part of an animated line for the Star Wars: Resistance television show, it meets expectations. At the same time, the First Order Stormtrooper is missing some vital details including the lock on its right thigh for the blaster when not in use. We feel this detail would have made a bigger difference on this figure than the swivel wrists. Positioning the blaster on the thigh armor is an innovative thing,, and it makes these troopers look extra cool. But sadly, we don’t have that option here at all. The helmet looks a tad too small, but it’s nicely designed and captures the personality of the animated characters in Star Wars: Resistance. Hasbro tooled the rest of the armor nicely as well. Disappointingly, our sample of the First Order Stormtrooper is not even in white color. We already see signs of yellowing here and there. Why must Hasbro use white plastic that is so temperamental? White figures should remain sterling white for their lifetimes. They should begin deteriorating while still in their packages before the even reach retail.

Despite the figure’s setbacks, he admittedly looks great posed next to Commander Pyre and Major Vonreg. We took some images in our Photo Gallery which captures these interactions. Also, as an army builder, Hasbro hasn’t included him in larger numbers to help make this possible for collectors. Then again, we’re not sure if a line like this is in need case ratios that makes any figure more common than another one. This toy line is a niche thing and maybe keeping the case ratios even are in the best interest for getting out the future case assortments. One thing we have to credit Hasbro for is this line’s packaging. It’s gorgeous and we, wish the action figures in it could move in the same way the characters are on the packaging. But with five points of articulation (give or take), making the figures look like how they’re presented on the packaging isn’t an option at all. We’re quite fond of this line already, and we look forward to whatever else Hasbro releases from the line. We hope that there is enough interest generated to keep the line afloat. But right now we’re not sure if that’s a possibility anymore.

Collector Notes

First Order Stormtrooper

Status: First Order Stormtrooper is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 7 points (7 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: First Order blaster

Date Stamp: N/A

Assortment Number: E5080/E5035

UPC: 630509771813

Retail: $7.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Star Wars [Resistance] Wave 1

Commander Pyre

First Order Stormtrooper

Kaz Xiono

Major Vonreg

Synara San

Torra Doza

Added: January 6, 2019
Category: Star Wars [Resistance]
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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