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The Power of the Force

Romba - POTF - Basic


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General Analysis

An Ewok warrior who uses simple EWOK weapons to protect the planet ENDOR.

I’ll be frank and just come out and say that Romba is my LEAST favorite Ewok of the entire line. I didn’t care much for him back in 1985, and I probably feel quite similarly about the Ewok today. That doesn’t mean as a collector that I don’t appreciate any efforts updating him in the modern Hasbro line. Sadly, we only got one bite at that apple. In 2007, as part of the 30th anniversary of the Star Wars saga, Hasbro added a wave of figures based on RETURN OF THE JEDI and one of the featured releases was an Ewok two-pack containing Romba & Lumat. At some point in Lumat's Expanded Universe history, he transitioned to dark fur with white stripes. And Hasbro was attempting to achieve this look with the Graak action figure. However, Lumat’s name was quickly changed to Graak because Hasbro knew that collectors wouldn’t associate the dark-furred Ewok as Lumat. And thank goodness they made the last-minute change because the Expanded Universe updated itself once again and returned the Lumat name to the character featured on the original Kenner card back. Anyway, the Ewok two-pack in the 30 (77-07) line was the first and only modern version of Romba that Hasbro released. The figure is alright, but so many Ewoks of that time reused existing parts. As a result, Romba comes across a tad wonky and slightly inaccurate. I don’t think Hasbro will ever redo the figure again, so the version released is likely your only chance to own the character in the modern line. Ironically, just as Kenner featured Romba on Paploo’s card back, the Trilogo version of Romba featured an image of Paploo. But I will give Kenner a pass for this oversight. They made eight Ewoks from 1983 to 1985, and I am just happy they made them. I can live with the reference image errors. (See the Paploo Trilogo image in the Collector Notes below.) Romba was played by the beautiful, and late Debbie Lee Carrington. She was a stuntwoman and actress and had many roles in small and big screen features from SEINFELD to TOTAL RECALL.

Hasbro's Most Definitive Modern Counterpart: Romba from 2007's 30 (77-07) Romba & Graak (30 43) two-pack.

Collector Notes

Name: Romba

Collection: The Power Of The Force

Source: Return Of The Jedi

Release: 1985

Status: Romba is an all-new figure.

Assortment: No. 93730


Retail: $2.99 USD

Alternate Card Art Details:

• Romba

• Trilogo

• Card art features an erroneous reference image of Paploo. Coincidentally, the Paploo (Action Figure) card art features an erroneous reference image of Romba.

• Character name pill and figure backer are light green.

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Figure Release Information

Major Figure Variations (loose): None

U.S. Card Back Release Information (confirmed to exist)

  1. POTF-92

U.S. Card Back information derived from the Kellerman Book Matrices and confirmed samples

Research Droids Data Analysis

Added: December 10, 2018
Category: Power Of The Force, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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