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The Black Series [Phase III]

Han Solo - TBS [P3] - Six Inch Figures (62)

Name: Han Solo
Collection: The Black Series [Phase III]
Number: 62
Scale: 6"
Source: Solo
Availability: April 2018
License: Hasbro

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Han Solo reinvents himself after leaving behind his old life. Now, Solo is growing increasingly comfortable traveling with law-benders and scoundrels.

Hasbro’s new “photorealistic” technology is in full effect, and the latest figures in The Black Series [Phase III] line are some of their greatest looking figures to date. The new deco approach began with the previous wave, but as we enjoy a new product launch for Solo: A Star Wars Story, wave 16 represents that first full wave of new figures sporting this new technology. The new, young Han Solo character portrayed by Alden Ehrenreich has been a source of major controversy of the film. Many feel he doesn’t represent a young version of Han Solo solely for his looks and mannerisms. Others feel that there exist great lookalike actors that should have been utilized for the film instead. But one thing is true here. The action figure looks like Alden Ehrenreich. It may not look like a young Han Solo, but it doesn’t favor the actor. Part of the first wave of The Black Series [Phase III] 6” figures released on April 13th, Han Solo shares some familiar territory with classic Han Solo as far as his wardrobe preferences are concerned. The figure looks nice, but parts of the figure feel a little too rotund after rendering comparison of the onscreen actor action versus the toy.

Han Solo comes with the standard articulation that most other figures in The Black Series [Phase III] line have. He has been graced with 28 points of articulation, of which most are premium ball-joints. The figure has wonderful flexibility because f its articulation system and can be positioned in an overwhelming amount of ways. You will achieve any pose or position you desire. And we managed to capture a few awesome poses in our photo gallery. The “photorealistic” paint job brings this action figure to life. Han Solo almost looks “alive,” and at times it’s eerie to look at these figures. That’s a testament to how beautiful the now look. While the figure looks amazing, figures in The Black Series 6” line still lack thanks to limited accessories. Hasbro MUST increase the number of accessories they give their action figures. These action figures are $20, and there has to be a premium added to them to make collectors feel like they’re getting some value with them. Otherwise, the pattern of waiting for clearance will continue with this line. The penny wise, pound foolish principle has to be forever eliminated to ensure this line’s success.

Han Solo comes with a removable jacket shell (which is ultimately unnecessary since the figure doesn’t look right without wearing the shell) and a blaster pistol. Hasbro gave Han Solo as functioning holster as expected, and the blaster pistol fits in it perfectly when not in use. Han Solo’s right hand has been tooled to accompany the blaster pistol perfectly. His left hand can hold it as well, but it’s not an ideal fit like the right hand is. Han Solo is typical cookie cutter The Black Series 6”. That’s not a criticism or dig at the line. We only describe it that way because every single figure in the line is approached similarly. There is a method to Hasbro’s madness, and keeping the figures mostly the same must keep things better organized for them as the premiere Star Wars action figure makes. Simply put, Han Solo is a great looking action figure. He steps beyond most previously released action figures in this scale. Hasbro has directed The Black Series 6” line down the right path finally, but they still need to "right" many of the "wrongs" of past mistakes. For now, we’ll focus on the great things that are now coming into the line. Han Solo is a prime example of this good.

Collector Notes

Han Solo

Status: Han Solo is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 28 points (17 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), hinge-jointed neck (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), ball-jointed left wrist (2), ball-jointed right wrist (2), ball-jointed torso (2), ball-socket left hip (1), ball-socket right hip (1), swivel left thigh (1), swivel right thigh (1), double hinge-jointed left knee (2), double hinge-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed/"rocker" left ankle (2), ball-jointed/"rocker" right ankle (2)

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: removable jacket shell, blaster pistol

Date Stamp: N/A

Assortment Number: E1200/B3834

UPC: 630509655809

Retail: $21.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

The Black Series [Phase III] Wave 16 (Wave 25)

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Added: April 1, 2018
Category: Black Series [Phase III], The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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