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Name: Luke Skywalker (A New Hope)
Collection: S.H. Figuarts
Number: N/A
Scale: 6"
Source: A New Hope
Availability: July 2016
License: Tamashii Nations
S.H. Figuarts is a new standard figure series that incorporates the Bandai action figure "Art" under the theme "Pursuing Character Expression through Humanoid Action."
We believe we have just encountered the greatest S.H. Figuarts figure of all time. As time moves on, it goes without saying that technology will improve to make better figures in the future, but Luke Skywalker (A New Hope) bring innovation to a whole other level, and the final production results are simply staggering. Keep in mind that our high-resolution photography will magnify the artifacts and imperfections the “photorealistic” technology may have applied here. But if you step back from your monitor and view this figure far enough away, so it is in a true size to the actual figure, you will discover that this is a miniature Mark Hamill from 1977 action figure. We don’t think S.H. Figuarts could improve upon it if they tried. What’s more, the figure comes with two additional interchangeable portraits. One captures a goofy expression of Mark Hamill, something we may have seen in publicity shots, but not in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. And the other is the blast shield helmet he wore as he was starting his inaugural training in the Force courtesy of Obi-Wan Kenobi. This S.H. Figuarts release will stand the test of time. And it shows us just how much potential there is for this line a figure like this looks the way it does.
Luke Skywalker (A New Hope) has a very complex portrait. It breaks down into three parts: the toupee, the faceplate and the stem (with the back piece). While it may feel disconcerting that you have to break down Luke Skywalker’s portrait into three separate parts, the engineering of this is brilliant and allows for a stunningly beautiful version of this character from Episode IV. It’s not too often that we get so much interchangeability with a character’s portrait, but here we get three bites at the apple, and we’re amazed at how wonderful each representation looks. The two standard “human” portraits are self-explanatory of course. The simple connection of the parts creates such magnificent likenesses of the character. But we’d be lying if we weren’t partial to the blast shield portrait. Not only is it PERFECTLY in scale with the figure, but it has also been designed to allow Luke Skywalker’s chin poke through the bottom of it while obscuring the rest of his face. (Both faceplates are removed for this portrait, but you’ll never be able to tell.) What’s more, his golden blonde hair is poking out of the bottom of the back of the helmet. It gives an illusion that impresses us beyond belief. Luke Skywalker (A New Hope) is approached magnificently here.
The goodness doesn’t stop there however. S.H. Figuarts went into overdrive with how to approach his accessories. You only get one hilt (with a plug) which can attach to his belt when not in use, but the interchangeable blade has a few ticks of its own as well. Included with it is a lightsaber training remote that is shooting out a blast beam, which is attached to a blue blast effect that attaches to the blade of the lightsaber. Also, although sold separately, but you can purchase an “invisible” display stand to perch up the training remote for alternate display options too. But the effect included with Luke Skywalker (A New Hope) is something so impressive that we’re fine with just using this piece as is. Between the overwhelming articulation system of Luke Skywalker (A New Hope) and the clever training remote attachment for the lightsaber, you’re able to configure Luke Skywalker is some mind-blowing ways. He comes off looking astonishing and so remarkable you have to think for a few seconds how this gag works. Luke Skywalker (A New Hope) truly brings everything necessary to the table. We don’t foresee you wishing that more accessories were included here. We hope S.H. Figuarts takes this sculpt and gives us revised versions of Luke Skywalker, like him wearing a Stormtrooper belt, etc., because this figure is just glorious.
Status: Luke Skywalker (A New Hope) is an all-new figure.
Articulation Count: TBD
Articulation Details: TBD
Accessory Count: 10
Accessory Details: lightsaber hilt, lightsaber blade, training remote/training remote blast/lightsaber effect combination, 2 intercheangeable left hands, 2 interchangeable right hands, interchangeable faceplate, interchangeable helmet portrait (2 parts)
Date Stamp: N/A
Assortment Number: 2334282
UPC: 4549660052012
Retail: $59.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.
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