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SH Figuarts

R2-D2 (A New Hope) - S.H. Figuarts

Name: R2-D2 (A New Hope)
Collection: S.H. Figuarts
Number: N/A
Scale: 6"
Source: A New Hope
Availability: July 2017
License: Tamashii Nations

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S.H. Figuarts is a new standard figure series that incorporates the Bandai action figure "Art" under the theme "Pursuing Character Expression through Humanoid Action."

We’re quite astounded by how much effort and attention to detail makers of Japanese toys put into their products. The level of brilliance that goes into them is unprecedented, and Star Wars collectors from around the globe bask in the "material" joy these items bring them. It goes without saying that other Star Wars licenses feel the competition, and when they’re getting wowed by a direct or indirect competing product, you know that the Japanese collectibles are setting the standard for what the Star Wars collecting community expects at this point. Bandai/Tamashii Nations via the S.H. Figuarts line has developed a six-inch scaled R2-D2 (A New Hope) that exceeded our expectations. Its design is markedly unbelievable in and of itself, but the finishing details like its stunning paint job will leave you speechless. This is the R2-D2 we have been waiting in the wings for because it not only beings all of the standard movie features to such a small-scaled figure, it also applies bloopers/gaffs and ingenuity to things we as collectors may take for granted about the character. R2-D2 (A New Hope) has quickly become a favorite of ours in the S.H. Figuarts line. But be careful, he may force you to realize what you’re not getting in other more popular lines.

S.H. Figuarts figures are known for their impressive levels of articulation. R2-D2 (A New Hope) may not have been given the same treatment here, but they make up for it "big time" in other ways. Firstly, we’re pretty certain that they nailed his scale (to the other figures in the line). He doesn’t appear too small or too big and looks fantastic next to C-3PO (A New Hope). His articulation is what you’d expect. These points include a swivel dome, swivel legs, hinge-jointed feet, a spring-loaded third leg with another hinge-jointed foot. He also has wheels at the bottom of all three feet. Then he has hinge-jointed utility arms and hinge-jointed front panels. You’d expect all of this stuff, correct? But how about front and back alternating light ports? A dome panel on the front and a dome panel on the back can be pressed multiple times to change the color of R2-D2’s front and rear processor state indicators. These are found right below his “eye” or “photoreceptor” on the front and the only light on the rear side of his dome. Each press of the button brings a rainbow of color which is not only screen-accurate but gives R2-D2 (A New Hope) different personalities. This feature didn’t have to be added yet it is extremely appreciated. We love how this line is full of surprises.

But for us, we’re taken with the alternate inner-feet attachments. You can remove R2-D2 (A New Hope)’s inner panels off of his outer feet and replace them with tubing to recreate the version of R2-D2 with Kenny Baker inside of it. As you recall, these tubes are clearly visible in the film when the actor was inside of it but was not part of the prop when R2-D2 was steered via remote control. Some would refer to this as poor editing or a gaff, but we find it charming. And we’re thrilled that S.H. Figuarts felt that this was a detail worthy of inclusion with this classic Star Wars character. Other than that, R2-D2 (A New Hope) is very lightly accessorized. We’re fine with that, however. For us, it feels that this version of R2-D2 has everything it needs. They can provide more accessories when they decide to tackle other versions of R2-D2 from across the Star Wars saga. Although we love the extra leg attachments, our most favorite feature of R2-D2 (A New Hope) is the paint job. It’s not often when a licensee provides a final wash so that the geometry of all of this droid’s panels pop and stand out. S.H. Figuarts has done this, and it is absolutely incredible what it does for this collectible. If you’re looking for a prime version of R2-D2, look no further than R2-D2 (A New Hope) from S.H. Figuarts.

Collector Notes

R2-D2 (A New Hope)

Status: R2-D2 (A New Hope) is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 11 points (11 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel dome (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), hinge-jointed left foot (1), hinge-jointed right foot (1), spring-loaded third leg (1), hinge-jointed third foot (1), hinge-jointed utility arm A (1), hinge-jointed utility arm B (1), hinge-jointed left panel (1), hinge-jointed right panel (1)

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: interchangeable Kenny Baker left foot attachment panel, interchangeable Kenny Baker right foot attachment panel

Date Stamp: N/A

Assortment Number: 2389351

UPC: 4549660165712

Retail: $59.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

R2-D2 (A New Hope)

S.H. Figuarts

All Products

Added: January 18, 2018
Category: S.H. Figuarts
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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