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Rogue One

Captain Phasma/Finn (Jakku) - RO - Two-Packs

Name: Captain Phasma/Finn (Jakku)
Collection: Rogue One
Number: N/A
Source: The Force Awakens
Availability: December 2016
License: Hasbro

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Finn's conscience and desperation to escape his stormtrooper past propel him down a heroic and dangerous path when he faces off against the formidable Captain Phasma and the First Order's legions of troopers during a devastating night raid on Jakku.

Sigh. Must Hasbro repack the same Captain Phasma and Finn (Jakku) action figures again and again and again? In just a couple short years we have seen both of these action figures, which made their debut in The Force Awakens line, more times than you can probably track at this point. And thanks to the horrid distribution and poor case assortments of the Rogue One line, we didn’t even know the Captain Phasma/Finn(Jakku) existed. We honestly found out about for the first time nearly a year after it was released. We are quite fond of the Two-Packs assortment. Hasbro has taken a “good versus bad” approach with this line, and for the most part, with few exceptions, the line has delivered some great combinations of action figures. For the Rogue One line, however, the bad combination of skewed case ratios and overall apathy for 5POA allowed the Two-Packs line to bottleneck and came to a screeching halt. To add insult to injury, the third wave which included the Captain Phasma/Finn(Jakku) Two-Packs set was part of a case assortment that included three (3) of the Baze Malbus/Stormtrooper set and five (5) of this “new” Captain Phasma/Finn(Jakku) set. That’s pure insanity. Who approved this asinine case assortment? It was probably the worst case assortment ratio the Star Wars brand has ever seen. We’re STILL feeling the effects of it months after the Rogue One line has ended.

As you know, Hasbro moved a large part of their action figure making to Vietnam. In some instances, collectors can see that the figures here are made better. Some of the details on the sculpts are crisper and paint operations are overall improved. The Captain Phasma/Finn(Jakku) Two-Packs set has been produced in Vietnam, and as a result, you can see differences between these figures and the ones made in The Force Awakens Build A Weapon a couple of years ago. None of the differences is anything that will make you care, probably, but they are here hence our need to make a point of it. Captain Phasma’s blaster is differently sized, has a duller color gold, and the details are more pronounced. You will also find crisper details with her armor too. You’ll even find differences in the color of her cape in addition to the red piping that runs along its perimeter. For us, the most notable difference is found within her helmet. The details are extra fine this time, and the black paint is painted flawlessly. She looks so much better in this release. Exclusive to this set is a large harnessed blaster cannon which fires two projectiles at will. She cannot wear her cape while wearing the cannon, so keep that in mind when setting her up with it. This extra play feature is great for kids, and admittedly Captain Phasma looks interesting utilizing this alternate weaponry. It’s just not screen accurate, so don’t look for it in the film.

The inclusion of Finn (Jakku) is just plain annoying, and the need to include the subtitle “Jakku” in his name makes no sense. But to change things up, Hasbro included the lightsaber he used during the battle at Maz Kanata’s castle to defend himself against the First Order’s attack. Just like Captain Phasma, Finn (Jakku) has received some updates from being produced in another country as well. But the differences are almost not even itemizing. Again, we see a couple of crisper tooling details and some coloration changes. Other than those things, there isn’t much else to notate. Due to the molds getting used again and again, Finn (Jakku) has lost some of his center of gravity. This version of the figure was more difficult to stand upright without assistance. We found that to be disappointing. Both figures come with five points of articulation each, and if you have these sculpts already, you probably don’t need them again, albeit slightly different, in this Rogue One Two-Packs set. We hope that Hasbro stops incessantly re-releasing the same figures over and over again in each new line look. There are so many things going against the Star Wars line that we shouldn’t shouldn't see figures we already have. We’re convinced it’s a completely different market of collectors buying toys today. And we typically are only looking for new figures to add to our collections. This set wasn’t a great or wise choice.

Collector Notes

Captain Phasma/Finn (Jakku)

Assortment Number: B9855/B7073

UPC: 630509482818

Retail: $14.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Captain Phasma

Status: Captain Phasma is a slight retool of 2015's TFA Captain Phasma Build A Weapon figure. This time the details are crisper.

Articulation Count: 5 points (5 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)

Accessory Count: 10

Accessory Details: blaster rifle, removable cape, cannon harness (4 parts), 2 projectiles, 2 projectile tips

Date Stamp: N/A

Finn (Jakku)

Status: Finn (Jakku) is a slight retool of 2015's TFA Finn (Jakku) Build A Weapon figure. This time the details are crisper.

Articulation Count: 5 points (5 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: lightsaber, removable jacket shell

Date Stamp: N/A

Captain Phasma/Finn (Jakku)

Rogue One Two-Packs Wave 1

First Order Snowtrooper Officer/Poe Dameron

Moroff/Scarif Stormtrooper Squad Leader

Rebel Commando Pao/Imperial Death Trooper

Rogue One Two-Packs Wave 2

Baze Malbus/Imperial Stormtrooper

Seventh Sister Inquisitor/Darth Maul

Rogue One Two-Packs Wave 3

Captain Phasma/Finn (Jakku)

Rogue One Two-Packs Wave 4 (Entertainment Earth Exclusive)

Shoretrooper Captain/Bistan

Rogue One Two-Packs (Toys R Us Exclusive)

Captain Cassian Andor/Imperial Stormtrooper

Added: November 5, 2017
Category: Rogue One
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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