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The Last Jedi

Rey (Jedi Training) - SW [TLJ] - 12-Inch Figures

Name: Rey (Jedi Training)
Collection: Star Wars [The Last Jedi]
Number: N/A
Scale: 12-Inch Figures
Source: The Last Jedi
Availability: September 2017
License: Hasbro

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At long last, Rey has found Luke Skywalker, the last Jedi Master in the galaxy. Hoping to find a hero of legend, she must unlearn what she has learned as Skywalker challenges her expectations.

If there are to be any Episode V parallels in Episode VIII, an educated guess would be that Rey is the new Luke and Luke is the new Yoda (even though Yoda is expected to make some appearance in the film). The unique relationship between Jedi Master and trainee is something we have seen plenty of times throughout the Star Wars saga. It appears that the Sequel Trilogy will not deviate far from this. With a new line look to celebrate The Last Jedi comes new versions of Rey action figures. This time she is dubbed with the subtitle of “Jedi Training” as she will inevitably be Luke’s new student in this next journey in the Star Wars timeline. Her outfit is a little grayer this time, and her expression is much grimmer. The more earthy tan colors of her outfit from The Force Awakens have turned a bit dark, perhaps to accentuate the overall tone of the film. After all, it is expected to be a dark chapter in the Star Wars saga from the rumors we’re hearing. It appears she will struggle to overcome her own issues as she “learns” the ways of the Force under Luke’s tutelage. There is great anticipation for Rey (Jedi Training) to make an overwhelming contribution to Episode VIII. Let’s hope she delivers for this round.

It makes total sense for Rey (Jedi Training) to be part of the first wave of 12-Inch Figures. These controversial toys are often the center of criticism to those who prefer articulation to anything else. They’ve been mercilessly called “shampoo bottles” by pretty much everyone at this point, but the line has proven popular despite its criticisms and the feedback we’ve received from readers on this line explaining to us who buys these figures has been an interesting learning experience for us. Readers have sent in testimonials how the larger figures are easier to manipulate for those children with motor skill developmental issues. It’s much easier for them to grab and hold onto something larger than smaller. And when it comes to moving the limbs, the large swivel points of articulation are also easier to control too. The paint operations are alright on this figure, but it’s difficult to state whether or not it looks all that much like Daisy Ridley. There is certainly a resemblance here, but it’s not a dead ringer for the onscreen character in our opinion. All of the details are present, but human likenesses are difficult to knock out of the park. And it seems the larger the scale, the more visible the issues. The paint applications are neatly applied, but again, does this look like Rey?

Rey (Jedi Training) only comes with a lightsaber accessory this time around. Interestingly, the lightsaber is one solid piece. Hasbro used to give these figures a lightsaber hilt and a detachable lightsaber blade whenever possible. That approach might be changing going forward as evidenced by this particular accessory. Interestingly, this is the only accessory that she comes with here. No blaster, no force pike, nothing else at all. Still, you can’t fault a figure of this scale that includes one accessory for the MSRP that these toys command. For $9.99 you do get a decent toy. Besides, collectors are finding merit in this line finally after so many years of criticizing it. When a line of toys is out and continues to come out year after year, it has to be doing well for Hasbro. They don’t keep on making things that don’t sell. So there is a market for these 12-Inch Figures. The line is also adding characters from outside The Last Jedi. Darth Vader is already part of this line as well as an Original Trilogy Yoda. We expect to see Hasbro go back and bring other characters into this line as they already have. Rey (Jedi Training) is not the greatest release by Hasbro, but she will be a hit for those that collect this line.

Collector Notes

Rey (Jedi Training)

Status: Rey (Jedi Training) is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 7 points (7 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), swivel left shoulder (1), swivel right shoulder (1), swivel left wrist (1), swivel right wrist (1), swivel left hip (1), swivel right hip (1)

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: lightsaber

Date Stamp: N/A

Assortment Number: C1430/C1429

UPC: 630509532728

Retail: $9.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

Rey (Jedi Training)

Star Wars [The Last Jedi] 12-Inch Figures Wave 1

Captain Poe Dameron

First Order Stormtrooper

Rey (Jedi Training)

Added: October 29, 2017
Category: Star Wars [The Last Jedi]
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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