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The Black Series [Phase III]

Finn (First Order Disguise) - TBS [P3] - Six Inch Figures (51)

Name: Finn (First Order Disguise)
Collection: The Black Series [Phase III]
Number: 51
Scale: 6"
Source: The Last Jedi
Availability: October 2017
License: Hasbro

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To carry out a mission crucial to the Resistance, Finn adopts a First Order officer's uniform, going undercover and doing his best to blend in among his former ranks.

It’s the sharpest Finn has ever looked, but we’re not sure how well this figure is going to go over with The Black Series 6” collecting community. Hasbro was proud to show off Finn (First Order Disguise) at the very first HASCON event during their panel presentation, but this wave 13 figure had already been made available on Force Friday II (mostly at Toys R Us locations) and collectors had them in-hand for about a week prior. No matter, Finn (First Order Disguise) is definitely a nice looking version of Finn, but his character is incredibly boring after the first Sequel trilogy film and we don’t know if Disney has the power to make him interesting for Star Wars fans at this point. Hopefully Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi won’t be a rehash of Episode V like so many media outlets are currently claiming, and that Finn can redeem his character in some meaningful way so that he lasts as a Star Wars character that has left an indelible mark of the Star Wars timeline. Right now he just isn’t cutting the mustard as far as we’re concerned. Finn (First Order Disguise) gives this character a surprising, albeit expected, take on him. We’re concerned, however. If his face isn’t covered up, isn’t the First Order going to recognize him in any helmetless “First Order” disguise? Isn’t this common sense? Is the trouble of putting on this outfit moot from the start?

That being said, Hasbro did produce a fine action figure in Finn (First Order Disguise). It has a dynamic sculpt, a fantastic likeness, excellent paint operations and a “more than acceptable” amount of accessories. In a neat move, Hasbro tooled a separate cap that fits like a glove on his head. It can be held in his hands when not in use, or you can store it somewhere else for alternate display options too. He looks sharp in these First Order military duds and he fills out their uniform nicely. (Maybe he WAS meant for this role in his life.) The sculpt has a lower skirt, but it is made from a pliable material which allows you to pose his legs unencumbered. Loaded with 27 points of articulation, Finn (First Order Disguise) is a picture perfect example of what a great articulation system can accomplish. There are plenty of instances of ball-jointed articulation which allows the figure to move as you desire. Collectors are going to have a great time playing with this action figure. With “rocker” ankles, Finn (First Order Disguise) is easily able to be balanced for more complex poses as they function like anchors to help you attain some great positions. Overall, Finn (First Order Disguise) looks really nice. He probably could be rated as “excellent” but he definitely isn’t perfect or free from all issues. Some issues in the facial deco could be improved, but overall we’re happy.

In addition to the cap, Finn (First Order Disguise) also comes with a blaster pistol. This fits beautifully in his hands or the functioning holster found on his right side. The blaster pistol is nicely tooled and looks like many other First Order weapons released in The Black Series [Phase III] 6” line throughout recent years. He also comes with an articulated Z-6 riot patrol baton. We received a similar weapon with 2015’s TBS [P3] Poe Dameron/First Order Riot Control Stormtrooper TARGET exclusive two-pack, but that version came without any articulation at all. Now, Hasbro gives us one of these weapons that opens up like a gun as well as a baton and it’s a really nice complement to the Finn (First Order Disguise) figure. We’re interested to see Episode VIII and see if Finn really utilizes this weapon in the film in some way or another. In all, we get three accessories that beautifully complement this action figure. That’s more than the average 6” figure gets. So Finn (First Order Disguise) is ahead of the game here. All in all, Finn (First Order Disguise) is not a half-bad action figure. But his character hasn’t performed well at the retail level. Hasbro knew they had to think outside of the box before bringing another Finn action figure into the line that looks like his Episode VII self. They were smart to go in this direction and in all honesty, the best Finn action figure we now have.

Collector Notes

Finn (First Order Disguise)

Status: Finn (First Order Disguise) is an all-new figure.

Articulation Count: 27 points (14 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), hinge-jointed neck (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), ball-jointed left wrist (2), ball-jointed right wrist (2), ball-jointed torso (2), ball-socket left hip (1), ball-socket right hip (1), double hinge-jointed left knee (2), double-jointed right knee (2), ball-jointed/"rocker" left ankle (2), ball-jointed/"rocker" right ankle (2)

Accessory Count: 3

Accessory Details: removable cap, blaster pistol, Z-6 riot patrol baton

Date Stamp: N/A

Assortment Number: C1416/B3834

UPC: 630509588534

Retail: $21.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

The Black Series [Phase III] Wave 13 (Wave 22)

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Finn (First Order Disguise) (51)

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Added: September 21, 2017
Category: Black Series [Phase III], The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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