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The Legacy Collection

Tri-Droid - TLC - Saga Legends (SL 24)

Name: Tri-Droid
Collection: The Legacy Collection
Number: SL 24
Source: Revenge Of The Sith*
Availability: January 2009
License: Hasbro

*The Tri-Droid technically made its first appearance in Tartakovky's Clone Wars.

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Infinitely scalable and highly versatile, tri-droids in various forms saw combat on a number of worlds during the Clone Wars. Most were sized to integrate seamlessly into the Droid Army ranks, but their efficiency of design allowed for even more massive versions that towered over the forces of the Republic.

As Hasbro prepared to launch a product line to accompany the brand new The Clone Wars multimedia event, they also had to contend with keeping collector-focused items in the market that would nicely augment what was coming under the The Clone Wars [Blue] line look. To do this they cherry-picked some of their very best realistically styled action figures that were either from the Grand Army of the Republic or the Separatist Droid Army to keep that “Clone Wars” theme alive and kicking. They also added plenty of characters from both the Original Trilogy and Prequel Trilogy into the mix for a great range of diverse characters. Picking up where the momentum left off with the 30 (77-07) Saga Legends line, The Legacy Collection Saga Legends line brought forth some of the great content but also added that “Clone Wars focus” into the mix as well. You may see Darth Maul, Jango Fett and Mace Windu, but you will also see surprises like BARC Trooper, ARC Trooper Commander and Tri-Droid also joining the ranks. The Tri-Droid makes its debut in the Saga Legends line however. First released as 2008’s TAC Tri-Droid (08 05) figure, it really hasn’t received any noticeable paint job updates nor any tooling differences. In all honesty it is a surprise figure for the Saga Legends line as it didn’t have big role in Episode III. Still, it’s well made and comes with a ton of articulation and goes from being very small to very large with just a few manipulations of its joints.

As a non-standard sized action figure for any basic line, it’s really nice to see Hasbro think outside of the box a little with the Tri-Droid action figure. The Tri-Droid is pretty atypical indeed, but it was a much-desired by the collecting community and Hasbro has executed a simply incredible figure that should be lauded for its precision and authenticity. Not many regular action figures receive such attention. One of the things about this droid that perhaps many fans don’t know is that it is named incorrectly. We pretty much have a false sense of security with Hasbro naming action figures properly, but they goofed again here. This droid is actually the Octuptarra Tri-Droid. (Editor’s Note: Yes, the large-sized Octuptarra Droid that was released as a Walmart exclusive is incorrectly named too and is actually the true Tri-Droid.) Interestingly, the droid’s first appearance was in Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars in Volume 2 Chapter 23 and not in one of the Prequel Trilogy films, nor the new The Clone Wars animated series. The Tri-Droid action figure is expertly crafted. It comes unassembled in the package (which is also bigger to house its bulbous body and extremely long legs). Hasbro packed a great deal of articulation into this figure. You can configure the droid in an array of positions and it may just be one of the most versatile action figures we have received. But due to its size, it completely dwarfs all of the other figures in the Saga Legends line and it really has an impressive stature when you display it fully drawn.

The Tri-Droid has a beautiful paint job! The finest of details are well painted and the colors bring out the sculpted artwork on this figure’s body. It is quite a sight to behold. If you’re looking to build up your Battle on Utapau dioramas, this figure is a must-have, but if you’re not really a fan of the various Separatist droids out there, then this may be a figure that you’ll want to skip. But we think that would be a mistake. This is one awesome droid and if you’re a droid fan, this is a droid you’ll want to be looking for. As if you couldn’t figure it out, the Tri-Droid is now part of the 2009 The Legacy Collection Saga Legends line. These figures are selling very briskly in this lineup. In our estimation, the Tri-Droid was certainly a risky figure to make work in the basic figure line (and then again here), but we are thankful for Hasbro taking multiple chances on it because it has been rewarding in every sense of the word. The Tri-Droid retails for $7.99 but packs a great deal of punch for that price point. On top of the figure’s genius sculpting and beautiful paint job, you do get a lot of plastic here for the cost of a standard basic figure. Here is another opportunity to grab this awesome action figure for your collection, and don’t forget about the repainted one from 2008’s TAC Battle On Mygeeto Battle Packs set too! We recommend getting both because they are both unique and both are excellent figures for your collections. We hope Hasbro continues to takes these “risks” and get more figures like this to us again in the basic figure line.

Collector Notes


Status: Tri-Droid is a slight repaint of 2008's TAC Tri-Droid (08 05) figure.

Articulation Count: 19 points (17 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel head (1), swivel waist (1), hinge-jointed laser cannon A (1), hinge-jointed laser cannon B (1), hinge-jointed laser cannon C (1), hinge-jointed coxa A (1), hinge-jointed coxa B (1), hinge-jointed coxa C (1), hinge-jointed upper segment A (1), hinge-jointed upper segment B (1), hinge-jointed upper segment C (1), hinge-jointed lower segment A (1), hinge-jointed lower segment B (1), hinge-jointed lower segment C (1), ball-jointed tarsus A (2), ball-jointed tarsus B (2), ball-jointed tarsus C (2)

Accessory Count: 6

Accessory Details: removable helmet, lightsaber, lightsaber hilt, Battle Gear "Locker" (includes DC-17 blaster, DC-15 blaster, droid blaster, blaster rifle, DC-15 blaster rifle, EMP launcher)

Date Stamp: 2007

Assortment Number: 92094/87995

UPC: 653569393849

Retail: $7.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.


The Legacy Collection Saga Legends Wave 3

Clone Trooper Officer [Commander] (SL 12)

Sandtrooper (SL 21)

Luke Skywalker (SL 22)

ARC Trooper Commander (SL 23)

Tri-Droid (SL 24)

Snowtrooper (SL 25)

Saesee Tiin (SL 26)

Clone Trooper (Revenge Of The Sith) (SL 27)

The Legacy Collection Saga Legends Wave 3.5

Clone Trooper Officer [Sergeant] (SL 12)

Added: June 13, 2017
Category: Legacy Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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