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Name: Luke Skywalker: X-Wing Pilot
Collection: The Black Series [Star Wars 40]
Number: N/A (Star Wars Celebration Orlando Exclusive)
Scale: 6"
Source: A New Hope
Availability: April 2017
License: Hasbro
As a pilot for the Rebel Alliance, Luke Skywalker fought in many of the battles of the Galactic Civil War. His most important appearance, however, may have been his role in the one of the war's earliest battles – the Battle of Yavin – and in the destruction of the Galactic Empire's ultimate weapon: the Death Star. In this battle, Skywalker (flying as Red Five) unexpectedly assumed leadership of Red Squadron and led the attack on the moon-sized battle station. Using the Force and two expertly fired proton torpedoes, Skywalker adeptly navigated his versatile X-wing starfighter through the battle station's trench to its thermal exhaust port and struck the Death Star's main reactor, causing the entire structure to explode. Though the battle was over, this was not the last that Luke would see of a Death Star...
Wow. It’s the very first The Black Series 6” figure Hasbro ever released, but now it has been re-released as Luke Skywalker: X-Wing Pilot and he looks better than ever thanks to enhanced paint operations, different approaches to the deco and set in classically inspired vintage Kenner packaging (if you’re into this sort of thing). It’s very hard to believe that we are almost half a decade out from the debut of The Black Series 6” line. Remember when Luke Skywalker (#01) was revealed in Entertainment Weekly right before NY Toy Fair in 2013? And when he was released later in the year do you remember when he and his wave mates clogged the shelves? The Star Wars collecting world wasn’t immediately ready for the 6” line, but over time it has gained momentum and grown into a big thing that is exceeding Hasbro’s expectations. 2017 is the 40th anniversary of Star Wars, and after the big announcement at 2017’s New York International Toy Fair that Star Wars fans could expect the original 12 Kenner action figures in 6” scale, fans want to know what else was in the pot to celebrate this incredible four decade landmark. For Star Wars Celebration Orlando it means that the very first The Black Series 6” figure will get another chance and receive special silver embossed packaging. It will also only be available in limited ways: namely SWCO and Hasbro Toy Shop. At first we didn’t realize just how much Hasbro has changed and improved the figure. But now we do. And we believe that those who has the original figure are going to be disappointed that they don’t have this one, because it’s notably better. Then again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
While improvement shave been made to the deco, the price of this thing goes in the opposite direction. Sadly, Luke Skywalker: X-Wing Pilot retails for an incredible $27 which is much too expensive for this figure. The only saving grace is that it is a better version of the original 2013 figure. Your opinion may vary. It’s just the nature of this collecting beast we suppose that the figures are constantly evolving. But Luke has changed enough to be able to tell the two of the apart. It was arduous trying to score this figure at SWCO. It was disconcerting at best and for us it was one of the worst experiences to date; especially when trying to cover the event. Why do licensees no longer do pre-sells? It was so much better that way. Luke Skywalker: X-Wing Pilot sold out on the third day of Star Wars Celebration Orlando and people who came to the event on Sunday were extremely disappointed. Many bought their convention tickets just to get this stupid figure but left empty-handed. Hopefully these people will be able to grab this figure at some point. We thought 2013’s TBS [P1] Luke Skywalker (#01) figure came with a perfect paint job. But when compared to the Star Wars Celebration Orlando exclusive, it pales in comparison (for us). It is evident that Hasbro ensured that during the production level that the applications were as clean as possible and that the textures would come through thanks to layered paint operations that were lacking previously. It’s wonderful to see a truly unique take on the “lived in” look that the figure now displays. This one comes with that. Also, the skin tone isn’t chalky and flat. It has a bit of a sheen to it which gives Luke’s face a “life” to the sculpt that the first version also didn’t have. Perhaps it is perfect, but for us it is better. The details here are richly and cleanly applied.
Luke Skywalker, unequivocally, can attain any position you want to display him. He is loaded with ball-jointed articulation and the “life-saving” rocker ankles (or double ball-jointed ankles if that makes more sense to you) are unbelievably functional and may work the hardest to give Luke Skywalker the free range of motion he rightfully deserves. These are premium points of articulation and do wonders for the action figure. This figure set the stage for The Black Series 6” line in 2013 and it holds up just as well in 2017. Aesthetically, we don’t think that Luke Skywalker could look any better. The straps hanging around his legs and the hose coming from his chest box look absolutely phenomenal. By the way, the strap color has also been revised. Also, the details like the maps on his left upper arm look fantastic even for a second round. And remember when TBS6 figures came with a generous amount of accessories? Yeah, it’s wonderful to see that again too. He comes with his unique X-wing pilot helmet. It fits perfectly over his head and rests exactly as his nose and it too has received some paint operation updates. You can turn his head multiple ways and the helmet looks great no matter at what angle you ogle it. He also comes with a blaster pistol. It fits very nicely in his right hand. His left hand has been molded in a way so that he can hold his lightsaber. And the lightsaber has been designed to come apart so that you can hang the hilt on his belt by itself. Lengthwise it’s perfect, but its thickness seems off to the point of being almost as thin as the lightsaber blades for the 3.75” line. Hasbro still needs to make these thicker. That being said, this is a very small complaint when compared to how cool this version of the figure is.
Status: Luke Skywalker: X-Wing Pilot is a repaint of 2013's TBS [P1] Luke Skywalker (#01) figure.
Articulation Count: 30 points (19 areas of articulation)
Articulation Details: ball-socket head (1), hinge-jointed neck (1), ball-jointed left shoulder (2), ball-jointed right shoulder (2), ball-jointed left elbow (2), ball-jointed right elbow (2), ball-jointed left wrist (2), ball-jointed right wrist (2), ball-jointed torso (2), ball-socket left hip (1), ball-socket right hip (1), swivel left thigh (1), swivel right thigh (1), double hinge-jointed left knee (2), double hinge-jointed right knee (2), swivel left boot (1), swivel right boot (1), ball-jointed/"rocker" left ankle (2), ball-jointed/"rocker" right ankle (2)
Accessory Count: 4
Accessory Details: removable helmet, blaster pistol, lightsaber hilt, lightsaber blade
Date Stamp: N/A
Assortment Number: C3209
UPC: 630509593187
Retail: $26.99 USD
Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on listings.
The Black Series [Star Wars 40] Six Inch Figures Wave 1 |
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