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The Saga Collection

R2-D2 - TSC - The Episode III Heroes & Villains Collection (11 of 12)

Name: R2-D2
Collection: The Saga Collection
Number: 11 of 12
Source: Revenge Of The Sith
Availability: April 2006
License: Hasbro

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The fiesty droid R2-D2 is assigned to serve Anakin Skywalker in the Clone Wars. Seated in the droid socket of Anakin's Jedi starfighter, R2-D2 is witness to dramatic events that will change the galaxy.

It can be maddening when Hasbro designs an all-new sculpt for a long-awaited Star Wars character and then decides to throw in an annoying action feature isn’t it? That’s how we felt when R2-D2 (III 7) was released from the Revenge Of The Sith line in 2005. And just a year later, Hasbro believes it's good enough to release in The Saga Collection's The Episode III Heroes & Villains Collection. The figure is a success on a few levels, but it is also a novelty figure that really doesn't make a whole lot of sense. R2-D2 is better than most collectors will probably acknowledge, but it's true that this figure borders on being an enigma. Please understand that this figure is equally perplexing as it is interesting. But parts of it may just represent some of the best work Hasbro has ever put into an R2-D2 figure, especially in the last few years. R2-D2 isn't screen accurate and we don't know what Hasbro was thinking when they designed it. R2-D2 is called out on the packaging with the catchphrase “Droid Attack!” so this version is loosely based on the scene when the Super Battle Droid duo confronts him on Grievous’ Invisible Hand. But if you look carefully at the "droid part bundle," it looks like R2-D2 took out some revenge on his longsuffering partner, C-3PO. C-3PO's head is in the mix of "attacked" parts. In Episode III, as R2-D2 tries to hide from the Super Battle Droids, his cover is blown no thanks to Obi-Wan Kenobi barking orders at him to guide the elevator shaft up and down as he and Anakin Skywalker rescue Chancellor Palpatine.

Hasbro must have received some preliminary (and incomplete) information on how this scene was to go down, but obviously they were given some misinformation especially since they sculpted C-3PO's head (or another protocol droid's head) into the accessory. Then again, perhaps they used their own "universe" of ideas to make this action figure and accessories. R2-D2 also comes with an arm attachment that secures to the top of his dome and it really doesn't make too much sense either since this detail wasn't seen in Episode III as well. As an added play value, the "droid parts" can be held with the mechanical arm. Along with the odd mechanical arm, R2-D2 also comes with a “micro playset” of sorts (for lack of a better term). It seems as if it should play into the action features worked in the figure itself, but we are honestly at a loss on how to explain why is was included as it really offers nothing than a backdrop for the character and not much else. But it "works" in the sense as you get a lot more plastic here for under $7 than most other figures in the line. This base accessory has a subtle seesaw like action to it and other than that, we have no idea what its purpose is. Perhaps it could be part of the floor on the Invisible Hand (or something), but we honestly have no idea what it is at all. R2-D2's body has been designed with a much smoother feel. All of the panels aren't harsh indentations. Hasbro has said for years that R2's body is smooth and not textured with various panels. So we like this transition of sorts.

The R2-D2 figure itself is far from perfection obviously. Despite having a well-proportioned and smoother body and perfectly shaped and colored dome, R2-D2 suffers terribly from a really bad third center leg. But since it is involved with the action feature, it makes sense why is looks so accentuated and quite frankly out of place. Its length is way too long and inaccurate to the movie character. R2-D2 comes with removable booster rockets so the kid or collector who owns this to can recreate R2’s escape from the Super Battle Droids. The look pretty cool on him and attach via two small plugs very tightly. You have to look really hard to even see them. They add great detail to his legs, but unfortunately the feet don't have their own joints. Again, what a waste it is that this effort was lost on an action feature action figure. There is some yellowing on the third leg and at the base of R2’s body. Perhaps this is the reflection of flames from the Super Battle Droid fire he set? Who knows? It looks uneven because some parts are highlighted with this wash while the rest of R2-D2 glistens in bright white. It may have been best to ignore this final touch altogether. We really appreciate that Hasbro gave R2-D2 a flat “brushed nickel” look to his dome. As with all figures in The Saga Collection line, R2-D2 comes with a random "good buy" miniature hlogram. (Editor’s Note: Hasbro made the definitive R2-D2 based on this scene in Revenge Of The Sith when they released 2007’s TAC R2-D2 (30 04) figure. It’s one of the most brilliant versions of R2-D2 they have ever made to date.)

Collector Notes


Status: R2-D2 is a straight repack of 2005's ROTS R2-D2 (III 7) figure.

Articulation Count: 5 points (5 areas of articulation)

Articulation Details: swivel dome (1), swivel left leg (1), swivel right leg (1), hinge-jointed third foot (1), sliding third leg action feature (1)

Accessory Count: 5

Accessory Details: droid attack arm, super battle droid parts (single mold), 2 booster rockets, environmental display stand

Date Stamp: 2004

Assortment Number: 87192/87181

UPC: 653569181330

Retail: $6.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.

The Episode III Heroes & Villains Collection (The Saga Collection)

Darth Vader (1 of 12)

Anakin Skywalker (2 of 12)

Yoda (3 of 12)

Commander Bacara (4 of 12)

Clone Trooper (5 of 12)

Clone Pilot (6 of 12)

Chewbacca (7 of 12)

Obi-Wan Kenobi (8 of 12)

General Grievous [Version 1] (9 of 12)

General Grievous [Version 2] (9 of 12)

Mace Windu (10 of 12)

R2-D2 (11 of 12)

Destroyer Droid (12 of 12)

Added: March 22, 2017
Category: Saga Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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