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The Legacy Collection

Jedi Training On Dagobah - TLC - Battle Packs

Name: Jedi Training On Dagobah
Collection: The Legacy Collection
Number: N/A (Battle Packs)
Source: The Empire Strikes Back
Availability: December 2008
License: Hasbro

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Humid and inhospitable, the bog world of Dagobah was the home of the last of the great Jedi Masters. After a fevered vision of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker uses the Force to find this mysterious world, where he hopes to complete his Jedi training. There, in the oppressive heat of the swamp, young Luke undergoes the grueling tests that will mold him into a Jedi Knight.

Things are not always what they seem are they? We have heard this expression dozens of times but it probably doesn’t apply to anything better than the rereleased Jedi Training On Dagobah Battle Packs set from 2008's The Legacy Collection. And the word “rereleased” may be a stretch because it is basically a reinvented set. A new version of the apparition of Luke as Darth Vader should count for something new, shouldn't it? If you are an eagerly zealous collector (and of course we say this very affectionately), then you are going to blow your top or smile with glee over this “new” multipack of figures. As soon as the set graced shelves, fans were caught off guard when the figures inside didn’t ring as familiar as they did when they were released in 2007’s TAC line. And that is because they all are different – different via paint applications (4) and different via a totally different sculpt used (1). Originally thought to be simple repacks, all of the figures are definitely now repainted and some have been repainted to very significant degrees. (Editor’s Note: In the images of the side by side comparisons, the figure on the left is from the 2008 The Legacy Collection Jedi Training On Dagobah set while the figure on the right is from the corresponding earlier 2007 30 (77-07) Jedi Training On Dagobah Battle Packs set.) You probably won’t be aware of the striking differences until you seem them side by side. But once you do, it may prompt you to run out and find this set because the figures are so unique now. As a set, the concept is great, but by now you're probably way over these sculpts. Hasbro has developed better versions of almost all of the included figures now, but there's something special about getting a set of figures based on a screen specific scene from the most popular Star Wars film, The Empire Strikes Back. So let's go through each figure one by one. If you're a completist, then just go right ahead and add this Battle Packs set to your wish list. These figures are absolutely newish in one way or another. And the details on all the included figures have been enhanced. This is the Battle Packs set you'll definitely be considering for your collection.

Spirit Of Obi-Wan Kenobi: This figure has the least dramatic paint change. You need to look at the figures and analyze them side by side to see the subtle differences, but there is no big deal here. The biggest difference is that once figure looks darker than the other which normally happens when figures are made during two different periods in history. Spirit Of Obi-Wan Kenobi is of course a repaint of 2004's OTC Spirit Of Obi-Wan figure. Luke Skywalker: The TLC version of Luke has dark brown sweat marks painted on his Bespin uniform with a concentration in the chest area whereas the original had a much cleaner look (almost spotless). The lightsaber has also been changed from a two piece with a metal hilt to a one piece with a plastic hilt. The holster is also painted in a reddish brown while the first release was a much darker brown. Lastly, the 2007 TAC version utilized the magnetic hand and the updated version uses the plastic plug technology. This figure is a repaint/retool of 2002's SW Luke Skywalker (Bespin Duel) and/or 2004's OTC Luke Skywalker (OTC #26) figure(s). Spirit Of Darth Vader: This figure has the biggest difference from its original simply due to the fact that it's a completely different sculpt! So, we now have two unique Spirit of Darth Vader sculpts in the Battle Packs series. The TAC version is a repaint/retool of 2000's POTJ Darth Vader (Dagobah) figure. The TLC version is a repaint/retool of 2001's POTJ Darth Vader (Emperor's Wrath) figure. This sculpt was most recently used for 2007's TAC Darth Vader (No. 48) figure, also unofficially known as Darth Vader (Holographic Transmission). R2-D2: R2-D2 has probably one of the biggest paint differences from the original. The blues have been done in a much darker navy blue and painted much better than the 2007 version. The dirt markings are more orange in color and evenly painted. These differences provide R2 with a noticeable improvement. This difference alone makes this set stand out and perhaps a reason worth getting this re-released (redone) set. R2-D2 is a repaint of 2004's SW R2-D2 (Jabba's Sail Barge) '04 #05 figure. Yoda: Yoda is also significantly repainted. We believe that the TAC Battle Packs version of this particular figure may be the better figure. While the newer Yoda has better paint operations in the face, it has been painted much too brown. Yoda has a lighter outer cloak with a brown shirt underneath but the TLC Yoda has been painted in almost a solid brown and his fingernails are painted too brightly. The stark contrast makes Yoda look a little bit bizarre. Yoda is a repaint of 2004's Yoda (OTC #02) figure.

So there you have it! Hasbro is quite clever. They know how to spiff things up a bit to make it "new" or "new" enough. They consistently reinvent the wheel (much to the chagrin of multiple collectors) and at the same time improve their products. We think that this is a justifiable purchase. The figures are significantly enhanced and the set does look better now in comparison to how it did in 2007. Since figures have come so far now, we wish for Hasbro to include the ultimate versions of the characters to include in the Battle Packs and we believe these would be even more successful. It may be burdensome to the collector, but at least there is some defense and even logic for the quick re-release. Not all of the rereleased Battle Packs have these significant changes. For example, the Clone Attack On Coruscant and the Jedi Vs Sith Battle Packs also have differences from their originals, but to a much, much lesser extent. Please note however that the most discriminating eye will catch these differences. For example, the gray paint on the 41st Elite Corps clone troopers, you know the same characters as the Clone Trooper (Coruscant Landing Platform) basic figures, is darker than previous releases. Perhaps something that may annoy collectors more is Hasbro talking from two sides of their mouth. We find it especially curious that Hasbro has cried about tooling costs ad nauseum and they have exclaimed that we now only get four figures per the new Battle Packs. Well, the Jedi Training On Dagobah set is “new” and we are still getting five figures. The fifth figure in the set is essential to maintain steady sales of this already healthy line. Clearly, Hasbro has made up their mind and the days of five figures are gone, but we hope that they realize that the value is in getting all five. Jedi Training On Dagobah is a great set to begin with and Hasbro truly made it even better. And, if you are a one-of-everything collector, then you need to buy this. It is the only way you can get the new Spirit Of Darth Vader action figure (even though he is technically a dream or vision Luke had). Let it be more than a vision in your collection.

Collector Notes

Jedi Training On Dagobah

Assortment Number: 89579/87752

UPC: 653569362692

Retail: $19.99 USD

Market Value: Click here to check the latest prices based on Click here to check the market value on eBay! listings.


Yoda is one of the few Jedi Masters to survive the coming of the dark times to the galaxy.

Status: Yoda is a repaint of the figure from 2007's TAC Jedi Training On Dagobah Battle Packs set.

Articulation Count: 8 points

Articulation Details: ball-socket head, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 swivel elbows, 2 swivel wrists, swivel waist

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: cane

Date Stamp: 2004


Artoo often finds himself in dangerous situations, such as when he falls into the marshy swamp on Dagobah.

Status: R2-D2 is a repaint of the figure from 2007's TAC Jedi Training On Dagobah Battle Packs set.

Articulation Count: 6 points

Articulation Details: 2 swivel legs, 2 swivel feet, sliding third leg, hinge-jointed third leg

Accessory Count: None

Accessory Details: None

Date Stamp: 2001

Spirit Of Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan's spirit directs Luke to Dagobah and convinces Yoda to teach Luke in the ways of the Force.

Status: Spirit Of Obi-Wan Kenobi is a repaint of the figure from 2007's TAC Jedi Training On Dagobah Battle Packs set.

Articulation Count: 8

Articulation Details: swivel head, 2 swivel shoulders, 2 swivel elbows, 2 swivel wrists, swivel waist

Accessory Count: 1

Accessory Details: lightsaber

Date Stamp: 2000

Luke Skywalker

Skywalker is a fast and eager learner, but his own impatience and latent anger are his greatest enemies.

Status: Luke Skywalker is a repaint of 2002's SW Luke Skywalker (Bespin Duel) ('02 #29) figure. Specifically, it's a repaint of the third version of the 2002 action figure; the one without the magnetic hand attachment. The right hand attaches via a plug. This version differs from the figure inlcuded in 2007's TAC Jedi Training On Dagobah Battle Packs set.

Articulation Count: 12 points

Articulation Details: swivel head, 2 swivel shoulders, 2 swivel elbows, 2 swivel wrists, swivel waist, 2 swivel hips, 2 hinge-jointed knees

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: lightsaber, blaster pistol

Date Stamp: 2001

Spirit Of Darth Vader

Luke's insecurities, and the dark side of the Force, produce the manifestation of the evil Sith Lord.

Status: Spirit Of Darth Vader is a rework of the figure from 2003's SW Imperial Forces Toys R Us exclusive multipack. (The one without the skull underneath the helmet.) This is a completely different figure than the one included in 2007's TAC Jedi Training On Dagobah Battle Packs set.

Articulation Count: 8 points

Articulation Details: swivel head, 2 swivel shoulders, right swivel bicep, right swivel wrist, swivel waist, 2 swivel hips

Accessory Count: 2

Accessory Details: lightsaber, removable cape

Date Stamp: 2001

Battle Packs (The Clone Wars [F/S1]/The Legacy Collection) Wave 1
Hoth Recon Patrol
Hoth Speeder Bike Patrol
Speeder Bike Recon

Battle Packs (The Clone Wars [F/S1]/The Legacy Collection) Wave 2
B'omarr Monastery Assault
Shield Generator Assault

Battle Packs (The Clone Wars [F/S1]/The Legacy Collection) Wave 3
Training On The Falcon

Battle Packs (The Clone Wars [F/S1]/The Legacy Collection) Wave 4
Clone Attack On Coruscant
Jedi Training On Dagobah
Jedi Vs. Darth Sidious (See 2006's TSC Jedi Vs. Darth Sidious)

Battle Packs (The Clone Wars [F/S1]/The Legacy Collection) Wave 5
AT-TE Assault Squad

Battle Packs (The Clone Wars [F/S1]/The Legacy Collection) Wave 6
Jabba's Palace
Scramble On Yavin

Battle Packs (The Clone Wars [F/S1]/The Legacy Collection) Wave 7
Ambush On The Vulture's Claw
Geonosis Assault

Added: February 17, 2010
Category: Legacy Collection, The
Reviewer: Paul Harrison
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